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honestly this is worse than the gates sinfield comercials, it just kinda points out people who use pcs, well duh most people still do in the usa macs have 10.4% market share (yay double digits) and im sure linux has at least 3% so 86.5% of people use windows.... in the world its a bit higher where macs have 5.5% im going to ausume 3.5% for linux but dont really know .... still that puts windows at 91% wow people use windows ... amazing...

they missed the point, they need to tell us what it does for us that competitiors dont, or why to chose one over the other... or go back to the strange ads. at least people paid atention to those, and mind share is good.

those other comercials where they lie to people about a new windows slightly better... besideds needing to lie to get people impressed.

honestly i hope they handle windows 7 better, or do a reboot of windows a-la the change over to OSX

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog