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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!

SnakeDrake said:
Can someone be kind enough to tell me how this point system works thanks:)

No one knows but I believe is 1 point = 1 preorder

No. 1 point == 1 preorder, and 1 point 1==1k preorder. Some games reach 200 points and have 100k first week, but still some games reach 200 points and have 200k first week.

Around the Network

Oh, I think I get the picture


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

VicViper said:
Glad to see BDFF there, I was beginning to worry.

Same, here's hoping builds up some steam over next several months.

I see that Japanese people are still pre-ordering videogames.

Love and tolerate.

Around the Network

Lol. I'm guessing those COMG customers still like the Resi 6 demo then!

gz2u Style Savvy!

Damn, Resident Evil 6 is ready to do some damage!

Tales of Xillia 2 is a flop :(

Deidaraman said:
Tales of Xillia 2 is a flop :(

I don't see why are you calling it a flop while it have more than a month left, and I guess it's doing well for a sequel it just lacks some adds. just don't panic already !

BTW welcome Deidaraman, it's always a pleasure to have a new COMG follower (: !

SnowPrince said:
Deidaraman said:
Tales of Xillia 2 is a flop :(

I don't see why are you calling it a flop while it have more than a month left, and I guess it's doing well for a sequel it just lacks some adds. just don't panic already !

BTW welcome Deidaraman, it's always a pleasure to have a new COMG follower (: !

i think the Tales of xillia 2 pre order will be pick-up when re6 is released