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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

NeoRatt said:
Arkanoid, Space Invaders Extreme, and Zombie Wranglers for XBLA this week...

I won't claim that I am going to kick butt in the tournaments because we usually leave that to RONSTER316. I'll just say that I will enjoy Arkanoid and Space Invaders Extreme... If I happen to get some tournament points too, I will consider that a bonus.


Who me?

I'm getting Arkanoid defo.

I remember playing that way back in the day (mid-late 80's) in the arcades along blackpool beach (Absolute classic)

Space invaders i admire, but i wont be getting the new one.

Zombie wranglers huh? I'll have to take a look at that game, ain't heard of it.

I don't know about me kicking butt though, lots of people have better plats than me in the gamerscore league, i'm sure you'll kick some ass Neo buddy.

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I still play the NES version of Arkanoid on a rom cart I have for GBA. Love it! Eh, but I'm saving my cash for Sacred 2 and Bionic Commando this month! Please lord, let at least 4 other people buy Sacred.

If i get MW2 like a week before its official release, would that DQ me/the game?


Carl2291 said:
If i get MW2 like a week before its official release, would that DQ me/the game?

Nope.  All the power to you if you can get it early...


Carl2291 said:
If i get MW2 like a week before its official release, would that DQ me/the game?

Well we will have to kill you to steal your copy..

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I intend on having 1000 gs before release


Carl2291 said:
If i get MW2 like a week before its official release, would that DQ me/the game?

How the piss are you getting it a week early??


yo_john117 said:
Carl2291 said:
If i get MW2 like a week before its official release, would that DQ me/the game?

How the piss are you getting it a week early??


I know a man who knows a man, who knows a girl whos married to a wagon driver who knows someone else who owns a game shop... kinda.


Was anyone else really impressed with the Red Faction demo? I think that total destruction is probably the most impressive thing I've seen in a game this generation. Blows DICE's frostbite engine away!

JPL78 said:
Was anyone else really impressed with the Red Faction demo? I think that total destruction is probably the most impressive thing I've seen in a game this generation. Blows DICE's frostbite engine away!

yeah i can't wait for that game to come out!!  I wish they wouldn't keep delyaing it....oh well better late and good then early with a broken game.

and btw you sig is the best believe sig i have seen yet lol