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I'm not certain that anthropogenic climate change is real but I think its far more likely than not. Basically if the current climate models turn out to be anywhere near correct then humanity is going to be forced to change; we literally cannot keep polluting as we are.
It's going to be a bumpy ride for the next century thats for sure.

If anthropogenic climate change is real (as I think it most likely is) I can see it as a possible candidate for the cause of the next extinction event.

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The oil companies owners would say that global warming does not exist.


Global Warming does exist and is happening.

The real issue is "Is it man made."

Which, i'm not convinced about. Climatologists when accounting for how much we cause global warming exclude water vapor... and nobody can tell me why.

If you include Water Vapor... for every ten degrees the tempeture goes up we could prevent .5% of a degree maximium.

If you don't... for every 10 degrees the tempeture goes up... we can prevent about 3 degrees max.  Which... while significant... I don't see that saving our asses either if it keeps going up.

More carbon dioxide is created by respiration then industry. So to stop global warming we should just kill a lot of people.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
I think it's weird for people to assume that humans can dump billions of tons of CO2 into the air and then not believe that's the cause of the weather getting worse. It seems like the most logical conclusion.

It's like throwing a rock into a pond and claiming the splash was due to an invisible fish rather than the rock.


But the amount of CO2 we put in the air is much less then the amount of CO2 everything else puts into the air.

The problem is... they use correlation instead of causation to come up with all the theories on this. Global climite started rising around the industrial age. (Slightly before actually.)

Therefore the Industrial age caused global warming. All subsequent theories were based on that assumption.

It does not take into account any natural changes in the carbon sink processes that might of changed... why? Because we don't have an exact map or knowledge of how the carbon sink process works.

People can make the "Just in case" arguement... but to argue that it's true that global warming is definitly man-made is definitly not the arguement to make.

According to the current theory used to prove global warming is man made... aside from the occasional exception the global tempeture should of been dropping constantly until the industrial revolution.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
You made a mistake in your thread title. You put a question mark after a scientific fact.



Gravity doesn't exist! *floats away*

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It is a fact

Kasz216 said:

Global Warming does exist and is happening.

The real issue is "Is it man made."

Which, i'm not convinced about. Climatologists when accounting for how much we cause global warming exclude water vapor... and nobody can tell me why.

If you include Water Vapor... for every ten degrees the tempeture goes up we could prevent .5% of a degree maximium.

If you don't... for every 10 degrees the tempeture goes up... we can prevent about 3 degrees max.  Which... while significant... I don't see that saving our asses either if it keeps going up.

More carbon dioxide is created by respiration then industry. So to stop global warming we should just kill a lot of people 


It probably exists but even if it is man made man doesn't care to do anything about it if it means less money/profit and a significant change of lifestyle for himself.

llewdebkram said:
It probably exists but even if it is man made man doesn't care to do anything about it if it means less money/profit and a significant change of lifestyle for himself.

Generally the lifestyle changes are easy and good for you. See my first post in the thread for examples.

I also saves you energy costs in the long run. Alternative energy is a new frontier, so there is possibilities to create new millionaires, new jobs. If you want to be radical and put the patents for alternative energy production into public domain and allow small groups to create their own power thus eliminating the need for large corporations to make billions overcharging you for your energy.

Ugh, its been pretty much shown that these conversations don't end well on this site. There have been countless previous threads.

Those people who believe the theory of anthropogenic climate change is true aren't likely to change their minds.

And those people who don't think that the theory has been proven conclusively at all again aren't likely to change their opinion.

BTW, one of my pet peeves is people saying this it is FACT and not a theory. You can't prove humans are causing climate change anymore than we can prove gravity exists or evolution (another thorny subject). They are all theories. Some theories have very heavy evidence, some have less evidence, but none of them are facts because they can always be disproven at some point in the future.