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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: Super Metroid remake and Metroid Prime trilogy are coming to the Switch

Would be nice if the Super remake used sprites instead of polygons, but I'll buy it regardless.

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Hiku said:
CladInShadows said:
Would be nice if the Super remake used sprites instead of polygons, but I'll buy it regardless.

I feel like they wouldn't remake it if they were going to stick to sprites. But I agree. And I think Super Metroid still holds up well today as it is, so for a potential remake to be interesting, they'd have o add some substantial new content.

Yeah, I get that both of Nintendo's recent remakes (Metroid 2 and Link's Awakening) were done in 3D, and I doubt they would change that now.  I just have my preferences.

Anyways, the fact that it'll be on the switch means that it won't be nearly as ugly as Return of Samus was.

I'm not particulary fond of Samus Returns art direction...but I guess the 3DS hardware could have been a limiting factor.

Makes sense to have a 3D Metroid collection to bridge the time until the delayed new 3D Metroid comes as a launch title for the Switch 2.

Oh, they are going to release rakes during the time of a consoles life where people are still buying games? What a novel idea!

Samus Returns should have released two years prior to when it did, or wait until Switch. It wouldn't have bombed then.

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I'll buy it if its true. I missed out on the Trilogy on the Wii.

If this is true, why so many Metroid remakes? A new 2D Metroid game couldn't hurt, considering the development of MP4 is getting so many delays...

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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I love how easy people buy into rumours like these. As for me, Super Metroid is the only Metroid I care about because its the only Metroid that matters. I'd be very much looking forward to a remake if an official announcement is ever made.

Ok...if they remake Super Metroid, I don't want a Zero Suit Samus mission. I want a "Save the Animals" mission. I want to play as the Etecoons, as the Dachora and get the heck out. I want to know how the Etecoons and Dachora escaped their game loop and how they knew it was time to go. I want to see them get stuck in that room and have to await Samus' eventual rescue mission for them. I think in one respect it would just be an easy point A to point B for them from their original starting points to the room, but I also think they could make their rescue go into an entirely different region of the world farther below the existing map. This could even be a way to introduce us to a new Metroid spinoff featuring these amazing creatures. Ok, obviously I am biased. But I think it would be cooler than just mimicking Zero Mission. You could even have Samus encounter this part of the world and have to clear certain obstacles for their route to be successful. Perhaps on the first play through you'd see them get stuck at some obstacle and not be able to get through as the planet explodes. Would this be super dark? You bet! But it would also be very gratifying once you actually figure out their path to safety.

Marth said:
I swear this "Metroid Prime Trilogy for Switch" news is coming back every 3 months and nothing has happened whatsoever.

Well, it was confirmed by multiple reliable insiders last year. But then the whole MP4 development trouble happened, so it has been presumably delayed not to release too far apart from MP4...

There's certainly precedent of companies timing game remasters or ports to stoke up interest in sequels / future franchise titles, so I wouldn't discount it.