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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony going third party is an excellent idea for gamers.

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Do you agree?

Yes, I find it reasonable. 186 37.73%
No, I find it is a stupid idea. 307 62.27%

I can give 2 sheets about PS4's "inferior hardware". I'm fine with my PS4 Pro. I don't want to have to upgrade my hardware because the specs don't meet the criteria of a certain game. Console gaming and PC gaming can coexist and always has been coexisting. And why would Sony go 3rd party at this point? This only makes sense to someone who likes the games Sony's putting out but doesn't want to own Sony's machine.


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!

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Is it the response thread of Nintendo going third party?

FloatingWaffles said:
BraLoD said:
I know it's a joke thread, but there are some real issues with a possible scenario of Sony going third party, both for Sony and for gamers, huge issues.

Anyway, ideally I agree, if we all had access to all games on a single place it would be better for us.

So for the same reasons that, according to you, Nintendo should go 3rd party for all of a sudden aren't appliable to Sony even though it's the exact same thing?

I'm sure there's no bias here at all. 

It's not the same thing.  None of the three companies in question are in the same position or have the same business philosophy.  Each one would have to be analyzed and debated separately.  It certainly is not a "one sized fits all" discussion.

I know this is another VGC retaliation thread meant to make some kind of point but it really doesn't work very well with a direct translation.  Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are different beasts.

pokoko said:
FloatingWaffles said:

So for the same reasons that, according to you, Nintendo should go 3rd party for all of a sudden aren't appliable to Sony even though it's the exact same thing?

I'm sure there's no bias here at all. 

It's not the same thing.  None of the three companies in question are in the same position or have the same business philosophy.  Each one would have to be analyzed and debated separately.  It certainly is not a "one sized fits all" discussion.

I know this is another VGC retaliation thread meant to make some kind of point but it really doesn't work very well with a direct translation.  Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are different beasts.

I'm talking about the points being made for both are the same exact thing, such as "people won't have to buy inferior hardware, games can reach wider audiences, etc". Both apply to Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, etc if someone wanted to make an argument for putting games on PC or going 3rd party but according to BroLad in his thread it works for Nintendo but all of a sudden not for Sony.

I would like Sony to support PC, but I don't think there is much incentive unless their games can sell really well on PC. Also, they would probably make their own store versus supporting Steam.

MS is using their games to get more people on Windows 10 and to push their marketplace. Thanks to a few Xbox One ports their store is actually relevant now. That will continue to happen as more games come.

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Not sure if was an excellent idea for gamers, but for Sony it would be a huge win. They'd reach a lot larger audience and that would stop them from taking a hit for selling hardware at a loss. Also the resources Sony currently has in the harware development, would be freed to making software, thus more money.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Captain_Yuri said:
Agreed. I would love if everyone went third party



I'd love to be able to build the machine I want that plays them all and not having to constantly shell out £4-500+ every few years on multiple closed boxes. It would also kill off most of the brand loyals in the process, because everyone can play everything and not be tied to a piece of branded console hardware (before cpt obvious tries to toss in AMD/Nvidia).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

BraLoD said:
FloatingWaffles said:

So for the same reasons that, according to you, Nintendo should go 3rd party for all of a sudden aren't appliable to Sony even though it's the exact same thing?

I'm sure there's no bias here at all. 

Read my reply to Rol before assuming things.
Sony and Nintendo are wildly different.

Not assuming anything, just pointing out what i'm seeing lmao. The reasons you listed in your Nintendo thread work for Sony as well, whether you wanna accept that or try to move a goalpost to make it seem like it doesn't somehow or not. 

BraLoD said:
RolStoppable said:

What are these real issues?

1. Sony is not a videogames company, without PlayStation it wouldn't be the same, PlayStation is a service and the core of other services, there's where Sony's aim is, not on videogames themselves, keeping the branding and the services tied to a single material place, their consoles, they have more ways to make good use of it, and access to a good public in all world regions already.

2. Sony going out means console gaming death, plain and simple, PlayStation may not be everybody platform, but it's the reason why console gaming is what it is, without a Sony console gaming would prove unstable, and console gaming models, which value hardware that provide more people means to play, by proving cheaper and simpler ways to current gaming than PCs, if you want a TLOU like Naughty Dog game, which would be using PCs top specs, you would need to cash in for that kind of stuff, instead of being able to play those kind of games with a modest machine, which leads to the next point.

3. Sony wouldn't gain much market reach for their games anyway, unlike Nintendo IPs, Sony has a structure of moving foward with their consoles, Sony creates and let go, so Sony doesn't have nearly as many "very known faces" to hype sell their games for people that weren't insterested on having a PlayStation anyway, while they already have big install bases to sell their games and services just as well.

The outcome for Sony and Nintendo going third party are based on wildly different factors.
PlayStation actually provides a good way out for Nintendo or XBOX going third party, while neither Nintendo or XBOX have for PlayStation.

Ok. But the real issues were?

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I disagree with the OP. As much as I am a PC gamer (and Nintendo gamer if you have not guessed from my avatar), I think having a home console platform that sets the standard for devs with regards to graphics is important. If we only had the PC market, a lot of devs would target low-end GPUs like integrated Intel cards because that is what most people have.

My wish for Sony is to continue making dedicated portables again so that there continues to be two viable dedicated portable gaming platforms on the market. So if anything I want them more involved in making hardware.