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Forums - Politics Discussion - Germany hate crime: Nearly 10 attacks a day on migrants in 2016

etking said:

Did somebody mention that Hitler was socialist? All the bad things that fascism did are now copied by violent left wing activists. This is why they are called left-fascists. Many of them work in the mainstream media and create fake news, supporting limitless immigration while hiding all the negative effects by not reporting about the massive surge of immigrant crimes. The fascists also wanted to control the media and now leftists push along heavy censorship and thought crimes because they want to hide the truth.

Leftists did not directly kill anyone yet but they would if they could. The vast majority of illegal immigrants is anti-semitic and pro-shariah but peaceful, but some are multiple offenders and commit one heavy crime after another. And even if only 1% if the illegal immigrants are ISIS terrorists or supporters, it means we have 10.000 ISIS terrorists in Germany, and more than 1000 are already known to be a potential threat.

Hitler was not a socialist in the slightest. Just because he called himself one doesn't make him one.

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RolStoppable said:
Isn't this a terrible headline for an article? I cannot imagine that every single attack on a migrant would classify as a hate crime.

Sometimes attacks are misrepresented (on both sides). Maybe some German dude got into a trash-talking argument with a migrant and was classified as a hate crime.

etking said:
Very one-sided observation. How many hundred attacks are made on Germans every day, how many rapes and rape attempts, how many sexual assaults, how many cases of armed robbery and how many terrorist attacks?

Violence is always bad but focusing on one side is equal to denying the truth. But left-fascists are closing their eyes and want to see German people suffer and die.


etking said:

German women fear to leave the house at night and criminal rates, especially sexual assaults and theft / robbery exploded since 2015. But leftists talk about crimes against illegals only whereas many, many more crimes are committed by illegals.

According to recent estimates within the next years the German people will have to pay almost 1 Trillion euro for illegals, many of them using 20 different identities to claim more than 8000€ per month.

90% of illegals will never find a job and the German people have to pay endlessly. Many elderly or homeless Germans would dream of the support illegal migrants receive, they have to live under much worse conditions and with less support. Illegals get everything for free but German rents doubled, prices are rising and taxes and healthcare will need to go up in order to finance the cost caused by illegals.

The worst is the fact that illegals will almost never get deported and have the right to endlessly live on money from the government, while Germans can loose healthcare, their homes and all the money they possess quickly.

Also no-go areas, vigilantism, radical Islamic terrorism and a secondary shariah law are on the rise. Germany will not exist much longer because in today's schools, migrants are already in the majority. In less than 50 years political Islam will take over the country and the Germans, including the leftists will become a hunted minority in their own country.

I do not blame the illegals, they are just acting rationally, follow their religious beliefs and try to make the best out of their lives but I blame our politicians for letting it happen.


etking said:

Did somebody mention that Hitler was socialist? All the bad things that fascism did are now copied by violent left wing activists. This is why they are called left-fascists. Many of them work in the mainstream media and create fake news, supporting limitless immigration while hiding all the negative effects by not reporting about the massive surge of immigrant crimes. The fascists also wanted to control the media and now leftists push along heavy censorship and thought crimes because they want to hide the truth.

Leftists did not directly kill anyone yet but they would if they could. The vast majority of illegal immigrants is anti-semitic and pro-shariah but peaceful, but some are multiple offenders and commit one heavy crime after another. And even if only 1% if the illegal immigrants are ISIS terrorists or supporters, it means we have 10.000 ISIS terrorists in Germany, and more than 1000 are already known to be a potential threat.


etking said:
If a mob of illegals attacks or robs people in the streets, which happens countless times every single day, and the Germans fight back, the press reads something like 'Aggressive German mob attack poor migrants' and it is counted in the statistics as violence against migrants. You cannot trust the media at all and the statistics are heavily manipulated, especially in leftist governed areas.

And not a single source for any of the bolded claims.

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I don't get why people think the western media covers up attacks by migrants. They don't get covered that much because lo and behold there are not that much to cover. And personally what the west media truly covers up is how many attacks happen in Asia because of terrorists. The attacks in Europe and even 9/11 seems minute in comparison. If the media showed the attacks that happen in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other places then perhaps the people will see how much worse it is for us and develop a little sympathy for us. They can't develop empathy since they have not experienced it themselves. When you see that weakening. has suffered dozens of attacks that are comparable to 9/11 itself then you'll see who the true victims and perps are. The people in the west think of the middle east and south east Asia as an afterthought. They live their lives blinded by what true chaos is. If they saw what happens here then they would also stop complaining about the non existent rise of middle eastern terrorism and see that its actually weakening perhaps they'll even be thankful for where they live and show a little gratitude. I mean I don't want people to suffer just because USA screws things up all the time.Asia has suffered their screw ups and now Europe doesn't deserve that. But if fear dictates you then the true monsters will arise and you'll be doomed to people like Drumpf as leaders and possibly dictators

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

crissindahouse said:
etking said:

German women fear to leave the house at night and criminal rates, especially sexual assaults and theft / robbery exploded since 2015. But leftists talk about crimes against illegals only whereas many, many more crimes are committed by illegals.

According to recent estimates within the next years the German people will have to pay almost 1 Trillion euro for illegals, many of them using 20 different identities to claim more than 8000€ per month.

90% of illegals will never find a job and the German people have to pay endlessly. Many elderly or homeless Germans would dream of the support illegal migrants receive, they have to live under much worse conditions and with less support. Illegals get everything for free but German rents doubled, prices are rising and taxes and healthcare will need to go up in order to finance the cost caused by illegals.

The worst is the fact that illegals will almost never get deported and have the right to endlessly live on money from the government, while Germans can loose healthcare, their homes and all the money they possess quickly.

Also no-go areas, vigilantism, radical Islamic terrorism and a secondary shariah law are on the rise. Germany will not exist much longer because in today's schools, migrants are already in the majority. In less than 50 years political Islam will take over the country and the Germans, including the leftists will become a hunted minority in their own country.

I do not blame the illegals, they are just acting rationally, follow their religious beliefs and try to make the best out of their lives but I blame our politicians for letting it happen.

Please stop talking crap about the country I live in because I can absolutely say that pretty much everything you say about the situation and rules here is total nonsense.

Accoring to the BKA, 6 Germans were killed by migrants (most of them are young, murder rate of young people is even higher as of the average person) in the first nine months of 2016. if that is so unbelievable dangerous, people in USA and most other countries on this planet wouldn't be able to live anymore.  

6 people are still too many for the fact that they are given an asylium. And one of them was a young student who was raped before being killed. She actually was the daughter of a high EU official and she took part in Pro-Refugee conventions etc. 

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Is it ensured that those numbers only include actual "hate crimes" (=definitely performed by "native" germans?)

Because, from what I've heard, many crimes first suspected to be "hates" crimes committed by "native" citizens ultimately turn out to be committed by the "refugees" themselves.

In particular, from what I've heard, if refugee housings are set on fire in germany, there is a rather consistent pattern:

If a refugee housing is set on fire while it's uninhabited (so no human life is endangered, it's ultimately just damage to property), it's usually done by "native" citizens.

If however a refugee housing is set on fire while there are actually people living in it (in which case it can be considered a kind of murder), it's usually done by one of the refugees living in this particular housing.

After committing such crimes, the offenders sometimes even paint swastikas in order to deceive the police into believing it was a hate crime by native citizens:,-brand-gelegt-hakenkreuze-gesprueht-syrer-zu-haftstrafe-verurteilt-_arid,1544143.html

Anyway, I believe the number of cases initially believed to be attacks on refugees/migrants will probably even go up this year - now that some german states have decided that asylum seekers who have no right to stay in germany can still get a permit to stay if they manage to provoke or simply fake an attack on them. The most idiotic policy ever!

crissindahouse said:

Accoring to the BKA, 6 Germans were killed by migrants (most of them are young, murder rate of young people is even higher as of the average person) in the first nine months of 2016. if that is so unbelievable dangerous, people in USA and most other countries on this planet wouldn't be able to live anymore.  

I find it a bit suspicious that you're limiting this to the first nine months of 2016, so I'm wondering:

Considering that 11(12) people were killed by "refugees"/migrants on 12/19/2016 alone (with hundreds of "attempted murders" on top -> Attack on Berlin christmas market), how high was that number for the whole of 2016?

And how many "refugees"/migrants were in turn killed for political reasons by the 80 million germans in 2016?

"Nazis are threatening refugees and therefore our democracy."

That makes as much sense as claiming "Caesar was a roman, so the moon is made of cheese."

Whenever one of you encounters a fool actually claiming some ridiculous statement like that, I encourage you to simply ask them to properly substantiate/explain the rationale behind that statement.

Since this is such obvious nonsense, it's clear that they have never seriously thought about if it actually makes sense, chances are they were simply parrotting what someone else said. So you're either going to enlighten them, making them realizing what a ridiculous nonsense they've just said - or you can have a good laugh observing how they try to rationalize something that just doesn't make any sense at all...

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
Multiculturalism and diversity worked for many years before the cancer of Trump and ultra nationalists spread ignorance, fear and hate to divide society. Trump is the global leader of ultra nationalism politics. Unfortunately there are more ultra nationalist political groups emerging in Europe cashing in on the popularity of the evil ultra nationalist global leader, President Trump.

History shows that this is only true when one race, culture or religion are the overwhelming majority. When in Rome do as the Romans do (Ambrose).

From the time the population begin to even out they will be a struggle for superiority.

Put 250m muslims in the USA tomorrow and tell me there will be peace and that the non-muslim Americans will welcome Saudi type laws. Put 20m Christians in Saudia Arabia tomorow and tell me there will be peace. Put 250m Africans, Asians or Latinos in the USA (or vice-versa) tomorrow and tell me the majority will sing kumbaya.

The lefties love to brainwash the public with how "beautiful and multi-cultural" things were in the past simply because people lived together. They always avoid the fact that they lived "peacefully" because the "inferior" did as they were told or else.

The reality is that to be free to practice their customs, cultures will always clash. Under the Ottomans the christians and Jews had to follow the will of the Muslims, that is not freedom. This was the same the world over for  millennia.

The Right is just as bad.

You have an good spirit but you are not being realistic.

Between left-wing nonsense and right-wing rubbish the world is truly screwed.

They all sprout the rhetoric of their cause.


Ruler said:
crissindahouse said:

Please stop talking crap about the country I live in because I can absolutely say that pretty much everything you say about the situation and rules here is total nonsense.

Accoring to the BKA, 6 Germans were killed by migrants (most of them are young, murder rate of young people is even higher as of the average person) in the first nine months of 2016. if that is so unbelievable dangerous, people in USA and most other countries on this planet wouldn't be able to live anymore.  

6 people are still too many for the fact that they are given an asylium. And one of them was a young student who was raped before being killed. She actually was the daughter of a high EU official and she took part in Pro-Refugee conventions etc. 

You think every person who got killed is one person too much? Who would have thought!

The thing is, if migrants don't kill more Germans as Germans do, you can't really complain about it as "migrants are dangerous to us". Otherwise you would also have to stop allowing tourists or businessmen in your country because, you know, sometimes a foreign tourist or businessmen kills someone in your country.

To expect migrants to be "better" as your own population to stop blaiming them is just stupid. To expect that none of one million people will ever do a crime or you will blame all of them is just stupid. 

Yes, you should throw everyone who does too much shit out of your country but to generally say "well, some are dangerous, we shouldn't help anyone" is pretty strange and does let me think that these people have some other problem with migrants and not just their crime rate.