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Dark_Lord_2008 said:
Multiculturalism and diversity worked for many years before the cancer of Trump and ultra nationalists spread ignorance, fear and hate to divide society. Trump is the global leader of ultra nationalism politics. Unfortunately there are more ultra nationalist political groups emerging in Europe cashing in on the popularity of the evil ultra nationalist global leader, President Trump.

History shows that this is only true when one race, culture or religion are the overwhelming majority. When in Rome do as the Romans do (Ambrose).

From the time the population begin to even out they will be a struggle for superiority.

Put 250m muslims in the USA tomorrow and tell me there will be peace and that the non-muslim Americans will welcome Saudi type laws. Put 20m Christians in Saudia Arabia tomorow and tell me there will be peace. Put 250m Africans, Asians or Latinos in the USA (or vice-versa) tomorrow and tell me the majority will sing kumbaya.

The lefties love to brainwash the public with how "beautiful and multi-cultural" things were in the past simply because people lived together. They always avoid the fact that they lived "peacefully" because the "inferior" did as they were told or else.

The reality is that to be free to practice their customs, cultures will always clash. Under the Ottomans the christians and Jews had to follow the will of the Muslims, that is not freedom. This was the same the world over for  millennia.

The Right is just as bad.

You have an good spirit but you are not being realistic.

Between left-wing nonsense and right-wing rubbish the world is truly screwed.

They all sprout the rhetoric of their cause.