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Is it ensured that those numbers only include actual "hate crimes" (=definitely performed by "native" germans?)

Because, from what I've heard, many crimes first suspected to be "hates" crimes committed by "native" citizens ultimately turn out to be committed by the "refugees" themselves.

In particular, from what I've heard, if refugee housings are set on fire in germany, there is a rather consistent pattern:

If a refugee housing is set on fire while it's uninhabited (so no human life is endangered, it's ultimately just damage to property), it's usually done by "native" citizens.

If however a refugee housing is set on fire while there are actually people living in it (in which case it can be considered a kind of murder), it's usually done by one of the refugees living in this particular housing.

After committing such crimes, the offenders sometimes even paint swastikas in order to deceive the police into believing it was a hate crime by native citizens:,-brand-gelegt-hakenkreuze-gesprueht-syrer-zu-haftstrafe-verurteilt-_arid,1544143.html

Anyway, I believe the number of cases initially believed to be attacks on refugees/migrants will probably even go up this year - now that some german states have decided that asylum seekers who have no right to stay in germany can still get a permit to stay if they manage to provoke or simply fake an attack on them. The most idiotic policy ever!