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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metriod Prime Federation Force gets a new Trailer and Amiibo support details

Rogerioandrade said:

Please, take the name Metroid out of this title, at least, please...... so we can peacefully forget it once and for all.


But then they wouldn't be able to cash-in as good as slapping the IP name on it!

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Gamemaster87 said:

 Besides Zelda Nintendo has absolutely no interesting upcoming game. If you are smart you should stop supporting these trash manufacturers and liars right now.

Says the user with the Paper Mario Color Splash avatar. Seriously if you want to troll people you should try to do a better job at it, your most recent tries just feel lazy.

Ljink96 said:
Looks like complete garbage.

My impressions of it too.

it's true that it looks kind of generic, especially for a Metroid game

I'd rather wait to play a demo before judging, and it's definitely going to look better on the 3DS screen

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

Rogerioandrade said:

Please, take the name Metroid out of this title, at least, please...... so we can peacefully forget it once and for all.

Yeah, just replace it with Metabots or something. Metabots: Federation League or something.

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the Federation Force robot suits look so incredibly dumb and kiddish

what in gods name was Nintendo thinking with the art style and design/look for this game? Even the concept of multiplayer 'bounty hunting' sort of baffles me, as Metroid is a series specifically known for solo experiences that are generally somewhat dark and claustrophobic and tense. but if you overlook that then its still hard to see past the LOOK of this game

I mean its like Nintendo thinks that Metroid is a series that appeals to 5-10 year olds. Its not. Their audience for that franchise is probably generally like 15-40 haha

just bizarre. NIntendo has never really killed franchises, they generally release extremely solid games for their 'pillar' brands but this could cause some serious damage to the Metroid franchise. A Metroid game without Samus too? what? they should have reskinned this game and taken away the Metroid branding away long ago

and yet another baffling thing is the fact that so many fans WANT a new Metroid Prime and this is what they release? I had hoped after the terrible E3 trailer last year that they would at least change the look of the game

Ljink96 said:
Rogerioandrade said:

Please, take the name Metroid out of this title, at least, please...... so we can peacefully forget it once and for all.

Yeah, just replace it with Metabots or something. Metabots: Federation League or something.

yep, something like this.

this is honestly one of the only releases from Nintendo in years that I am completely baffled by. It seems like a terrible decision. like whatever money they've put into developing this game cannot be as much as they will potentially LOSE in the future by tarnishing the Metroid brand

Mar1217 said:
Looks fine. I still think people are mostly salty b'cause it isn't what they wanted.

from the perspective of pretty much any Metroid fans this is going to look poor. It looks terrible graphic wise (like generations behind), looks extremely kiddish (not Metroid esque at all), has the Metroid IP yet has no Samus and charges money to even have a robot skin with her suit look

it just potentially damages the Metroid brand

no one would care if that wasn't the case, if this didn't have the Metroid name. bad games come out all of the time.


all I'm going to add is this: Nintendo has disabled the likes/dislikes on a LOT of their Metroid Prime Federation Force videos on Youtube (for example the more recent video, I think that clearly speaks volumes about the reception of this game and the fact that Nintendo is totally ignoring the Metroid fanbase on this one. which is a mega mistake.

it also makes me lose a bit of respect for the big N- to block something like likes/dislikes is just incredibly ignorant and shows a "we have no interest of listening to you fans nor are we going to allow popular opinion be heard or effect others opinions'

I'm all but ready to make my own Metroid game lol.

I'm grabbing popcorn. I want to see this game crash and burn.