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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global lifetime sales: Uncharted 4 PS4 vs Halo 5 Xbox1


Which game will sell more lifetime globally?

Uncharted 4 PS4 681 89.49%
Halo 5 Xbox1 80 10.51%

Uncharted 4 is the better game by a landslide so it should easily outsell it. Something I would have not have said before Halo 4.

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think-man said:
Wright said:


I'm not sure I'd call it bigger, as I think Halo still has sold much more than Uncharted, but one can't deny Uncharted has become the iconic PS franchise, rivalizing Master Chief's image as the one in Xbox.

I think Halo is on the decline and Uncharted will peak with this entry. i dont think we will see another Uncharted for a long time if ever.

I hope you're right. I think five games is enough for Uncharted, or at least for the story of Nate. I guess Sony can continue the series in a new setting and with new characters, but I would be fine if A Thief's End is truly the end. Better to go out on top than sink into mediocrity. Halo, unfortunately, has done the opposite and the brand has suffered as a result.

Jega said:

Well considering Halo 4 sold 9.7 million, and Uncharted 3 sold 6.8 million, that is a gap of 3 million.

Now let's say Halo 5 sells 20% less than halo 4 lifetime, Halo 5 would still sell 7.1 million copies. Now Uncharted 3 sold 6.8 million on PS3 with a install base of 85 million.

Considering the PS4 is at 50% where the PS3 is Uncharted 4 can only hope to reach the 6 million units but not 7 million. Therefore I see Halo 5 selling at least 1 million copies more than uncharted 4.

Halo hasn't lost any fans and I think PlayStation fans are getting ahead of themselves thinking uncharted 4 could even outsell a HALO game.

The only Halo game that Uncharted 4 could probably outsell is halo wars 2.

What are you smoking bro? 

Hpw come there is zero mention of the XB1 or XBox 360 userbase? 

Halo has lost millions of fans

I remember that not only did people think Halo 5 would outsell Uncharted 4, but I remember a thread where a lot of people said Tomb Raider would sell better than U4 as well.

I'm with the consensus here, UC4 has this battle on its pocket. Halo 5 lost to Splatoon with an userbase signifficantly bigger, so there's no way it's going to beat the biggest exclusive on the biggest userbase on the gen. Add to that we might see an Halo 6 on the XBone, while UC4 is probably the last Uncharted (was it? I've heard rumours about it, can someone confirm it?).

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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Yep, most people I think expected Halo 5 to do at least somewhere in the range of a mainline Halo in sales (looking back at 2, 3, and 4). It fell pretty flat, even below expectations that it wouldn't hit H4 numbers.

I think there are many reasons.

1- The X1 hasn't hit the 'X' factor that the 360 had, where in the US/UK it was just the default 'cool' console, and overwhelming favorite for FPS games.

2- 343i seemed to disappoint quite a few longtime Halo fans with Halo 4 and MCC. Even newcomers to the Xbox one who might have played MCC first may have gotten a bad impression from the series as their first welcome.

3- Halo isn't an annualized series, so it can be hard to maintain hype if there is another juggernaut in the same game-type space. In this case, CoD. These social-oriented online-focused FPS games seem to attract similar types, and they form groups of friends who are little hive-minds in terms of what they want to play and when there's nothing else available, then CoD can have a big impact.

When Halo 1 and 2 were new, there really wasn't ANYTHING else in the console world that came close to the Halo experience. CoD didn't really start it's metoric rise until COD4/MW1, which came out a bit AFTER Halo 3. It was what, 5 years until Halo 4 released? Between H3/H4, you saw MW1, MW2, Blops, Blops 2, MW3. All huge sellers, and it built a brand. Then H4 released, and because the 360 was a juggernaut, they were able to media blitz and get a pretty successful launch out of it, but the playerbase quickly evaporated as people went right back to CoD. With H5, I think a fair number of people had defected to CoD permanently, and the core fanbase was just diminished.

4- Confusing and ineffective marketing/bundling. This is kind of self explanatory, but H5 certainly didn't succeed in getting widespread excitement built up about it. In fact, the modern gaming press is something you definitely don't want to feed any nuggets of negativity about, because they will click-bait the crap out of things beyond proportion.

On the flip side we have the ludicrously successful global phenom PS4, launching a hot title with good marketing, glowing critical reception, in a time of the year where there is little competition. The levels achieved by UC3 should very handily be surpassed. This is only further aided by there really being no serious competition for the type of game that it is. TR comes closest, but it's got a totally different vibe to it, and doesn't catch that nu-Indy Jones action/humor/mega setpiece craziness that UC has.

Gran Turismo might outsell UC4
TLOU2 might outsell UC4
GTA6 WILL outsell UC4

beyond that? This is easily the top selling exclusive of the generation for Sony, and unless something amazing happens, more than any X1 exclusive either. I leave Nintendo out of this because we honestly have no idea.

Darwinianevolution said:
I'm with the consensus here, UC4 has this battle on its pocket. Halo 5 lost to Splatoon with an userbase signifficantly bigger, so there's no way it's going to beat the biggest exclusive on the biggest userbase on the gen. Add to that we might see an Halo 6 on the XBone, while UC4 is probably the last Uncharted (was it? I've heard rumours about it, can someone confirm it?).

They said something like "We want this to be the Last Uncharted" and also "But Sony Owns the Franchise and they  will chose what to do with it".

Always expected that Uncharted 4 will beat Halo 5 but doubling the sales is something I never thought about. xD

Swordmasterman said:
Natsu said:
Well retail,, I think a lot more people bought halo 5 digitally than you think. But it would be unthinkable..? I don't think anyone doubted it was possible considering the sales of PS4

So will Uncharted 4, Both consoles have the option to purchase online and we don't know how much it is, on Amazon the Digital version of Uncharted 4 is charting in the top 50 so this game will also sell very well online.

I know but I think more than 20% of Halo 5 sales are digital, just because of how many people I've talked to that play halo (like online) that bought it digitally. 

Only 3.88 Million sold for Halo 5, that's kinda of a disappointment for MS #1 game.

PSN & XBOX GT : cutzman25