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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Gaming Predictions For 2016

I have been thinking about what could happen in the video game industry for 2016 and was curious to see what others think will happen this year.


here's some of mine

Persona 5 will be the media GOTY i honestly think this is going to happen

No Man's Sky is gonna be the most disapointing game of the year and its main fault will be that it gets boring after a couple hours when people realize there isn't much to do.

a new open world Rockstar game will be annouced and we will finally know the fate of single player DLC for GTAV

WB Montreal's 2 DC Comic games will Superman and Suicide Squad both of which will be annouced in March to concide with the release of Batman V Superman with Suicide Squad releasing just a couple months after the movie and Superman releasing some time in 2017.

Persona 5 and Final Fantasy 15 will pull a Captain America Civil War Vs Batman V Superman by releasing on the same day in Japan then one of them gets delayed for a month of 2 after either Atlus or Square Enix realizes how dumb of an idea that was.

the response to Uncharted 4 reviews will be the reponse to Uncharted 3 reviews all over again.

at Sony's E3 we will be given a short teaser trailer of what Kojima's next game will be like and it will be a spirtual successor to Zone Of The Enders.

PSVR will be around $400 and will have a hard time catching on due to the price and lack of interesting launch games.

another PS4 exclusive from From Software will be annouced at E3 and will be something dfifferent from the Souls series.

Resident Evil 7 will be a timed exclusive to the PS4.

at for the NX reveal it will be shown that Square Enix is the biggest support for the system and will annouced that ports of Final Fantasy 14 and Final Fantasy 15 will be a launch title for the system and annouce that Kingdom Hearts 3and offcially annouced Dragon's Quest 11 for the system with Dragon's Quest 11 being a launch title in Japan.

the NX will be released in the fall with a port of Zelda U, and the next big brand new 3D Mario as the big first party launch titles

 due to the success of the Mario Kart 8 DLC the Mario Kart brand is dead and is now basically a Super Kart Bros or Super Smash Kart or whatever you want to call it and will be out wiithin the first 6 months of the console's launch.

a complete editon of Smash 4 with all DLC characters and exlusive modes from both versions, balance changes,  several new and returning characters with the first 2 being Wolf and Ice Climbers will be annouced for the NX and will be out within the systems first nine months.

Pikmin 4 will be both a NX and Wii U title and will be out within the systems first 3 months.

Gears Of War 4 will head to PC sometime after the Xbox One version

lastly for now Konami will attempt to port a couple of MGS games to current gen and will butchered them like they did with the Silent Hill Collection.


might post some later today cause i had a lot more but i just looked my clock and its almost 3:30 AM.

Around the Network

Uncharted 4 will be the highest rated game in 2016
No Mans Sky will disappoint
Horizon zero dawn will be delayed to 2017

Here are my predictions, from safer predictions to more risky ones.

-Pokemon Z will be released, and it will have new mega evolutions.

-3DS/WiiU pricecut prior to the NX release.

-Final Fantasy XV will be delayed to avoid clashing with Persona 5.

-Sega/Atlus will push the Persona brand more, and for that they will release some of the PSP Persona games on the 3DS/WiiU/NX.

-The NX will be released during the final quarter of the year. Zelda U will be released on the NX as well.

-Monster Strike will release on the west, like Puzzles and Dragons.

-Miitomo is a moderated success, but the next Nintendo game will have the Mario brand attached to it, and then it will skyrocket.

-VR releases and it becomes a small success, but nothing to attract major projects to it after the year is over.

-T2 will release an update for GTA V that makes the game VR compatible. For a while, it will be the biggest seller the VR bussiness has.

-Meme Run will have a sequel. And it will be on both WiiU and NX.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Mother 3 will be released on the Virtual Console as Earthbound 2
Beyond Good and Evil 2 will either be confirmed or cancelled for good at E3
Square will bring the Dragon Quest games to PC after they are done with the Final Fantasy ports
NX will be announced at E3 and will have BC with the Wii U or 3DS in some capacity, even if it's for digital titles only

P5 media GOTY? Did you not learn anything from 2014 and 2015? Even if it scores lower, something like Horizon has a better shot at that

My prediction is that PS4 will completely sweep the floor in every way and establish the most dominant year in PS history since PS2 glory days, not just in sales but in games/quality. My other prediction is that sadly half of those games will flop in favor of more generic/formulaic releases (not ENTIRELY different from those glory days, I suppose).

Around the Network
Darwinianevolution said:
-Meme Run will have a sequel. And it will be on both WiiU and NX.

This is a save bet since it's already confirmed for launch in 4 days xD



Topic: My predictions:

- new Nintendo handheld at the end of the year

- confirmation that the next Nintendo home console will launch in 2017

- new Animal Crossing main series game for Wii U

- Pokemon X2/Y2 as launch titles for the new handheld

- Gamecube Virtual Console for Wii U

- Genei Ibun Roku #FE will launch digital-only in the US

- NoA sucks as usual

- Nintendo aquires From Software

- Wii U Price Cut + Smaller Wii U without disc drive.


- Crash Bandicoot Return - PS4 exclusive

- Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 will reach the Xbox One version's lifetime sales within one week

- PS Vita sell terrible as usual

- Ubisoft Subscription Service coming exclusively to PS4 (similiar to EA Access on Xbox One)

- PS4 will finally support external storage devices

- GTA6 announced

- another 30 Remasters are coming to PS4


- Microsoft announces Banjo Threeie - another not-Banjo-game

- Don't know what else for Xbox One

Tlou 2 gets a release day on e3 and release november 2016




NX sells 4 million and the world goes crazy for Nintendo.
PS4 outsells wii u and x1
FE Fates does really well in the west.
XB1 peak year.
No Mans Sky is as good as the Order 1886 and sells around the same.

Gamemaster87 said:
Darwinianevolution said:
-Meme Run will have a sequel. And it will be on both WiiU and NX.

This is a save bet since it's already confirmed for launch in 4 days xD


My predictions are starting to become true! XD

Gamemaster87 said:

- Nintendo aquires From Software

Could you imagine the mountains of salt that would cause? It would make Bayonetta 2 seem like child's play! I need to see that now!


You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

jason1637 said:
NX sells 4 million and the world goes crazy for Nintendo.
PS4 outsells wii u and x1
FE Fates does really well in the west.
XB1 peak year.
No Mans Sky is as good as the Order 1886 and sells around the same.


You better have though the Order was absolutely amazing.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'