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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Gaming Professionals & Nintendo Enthusiast Rumor: Nintendo preparing new Zelda Wii U trailer for a big event

So this is Nintendo Enthusiast so take this with a grain of salt but this is what it says.

" The ad features a little girl and her father bonding over various activities, such as creating a Link costume.  At the end of the video, the words “A New Generation Begins” appear, and then fade out with the final “Only on Wii U” screen.

Throughout the video, there is footage of various previous Zelda games, including the original. In theory, these references are supposed to appeal to those Zelda fans that played through the game in their childhood and may have perhaps left Nintendo since then."

And more in the articles.

Obviously I want this to be true, I need to see Zelda Wii U footage soon. But time will tell.

What do you guys think?

Update: According to Nintendo Enthusaist the video appears to be fanmade and was uploaded to Vimeo before the video got taken down.

Update 2: HMK is saying that the video isn't fake (which is true, we know that) and he himself has seen images of it that were sent to him.


Update 3: Here's the video.

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NE  has a pretty crappy track record when it comes to rumors, just saying.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

True, but this is technically a Gaming Professinals rumor, NE is just saying they emailed them and saw the video.

''and then fade out with the final “Only on Wii U” screen''

Sounds like wishfull thinking to me.

"Nintendo is preparing a trailer for his biggest game in development for a big event". I can't say they're taking a lot of risks with this prediction...

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Nintendo Direct for February/

AnthonyW86 said:
''and then fade out with the final “Only on Wii U” screen''

Sounds like wishfull thinking to me.

It is a Wii U only game, they could not have said Wii U many more times in a few sentences after the bit of footage we saw in the last direct.

spurgeonryan said:
So 35 seconds of footage for 2016? Where is pavolink at? :)

He is sat at home throwing darts at a poster of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze :)

I would be happy if it's true, make it a Wii U title then start a new game from scratch for NX.

So zelda cross gen