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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What's with the hate for turn based RPGs?

Chrizum said:
Nothing worse than random encounters. Baldur's Gate is turn-based done right.

Barverly Default did it right too. You can control the frequency of the random encounters. For faster grinding. Or turn them off. To avoid lame deaths etc.

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In my opinion, turn based RPGs need to be fast paced in battle (like Bravely Default, FF4-9, Dragon Quest, Lufia 2, Chrono Trigger, Xenosaga 3) then they beat any action RPG. On the other hand games like FFX or FFXIII with extremely slow paced battle systems with looooong battles and a high amount of input required during them, make me fall asleep. I also hate pure action RPGs because I play games to relax.

A perfect mix is Xenoblade, the fast but relaxed battle system beats any action RPG. You can lean back and enjoy the game. FFXII does it the wrong way because you need hours before each bigger fight just to customize gambits in the menu.

I like turn-based RPGs but these days I prefer action RPGs because I feel they have much more potential in having deeper mechanics ...

I don't buy the BS that turn-based is more strategic when the most popular series like FF and Pokemon hardly has any difficulty ...

Turn based RPGs don't bother me these days. The only thing that bothers me and is outdated is grinding and random battles. Both of those are totally unnecessary and need to die. If you pace a game correctly, there's no need to have them and they only serve to slow the story down.

I used to like them a lot as a kid, and I still don't mind them.
The thing is though, they can be too time consuming. Especially when there's so much grinding.

If only I could take the time, I would love to play another turn based RPG

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AlfredoTurkey said:
Turn based RPGs don't bother me these days. The only thing that bothers me and is outdated is grinding and random battles. Both of those are totally unnecessary and need to die. If you pace a game correctly, there's no need to have them and they only serve to slow the story down.

How would you handle Pokemon. You want random battles and grinding gone. What would you do, to replace leveling up? More people encounters. Wouldn't you just start complaining about that then? You need to level your character up somehow. Controling the random encounters, totally want that. Removing them completely. You need a new thing to replace it though.

I learned this somewhere in a psychology class when I was going through a hipster phase. Technology has made this generation used to fast motion games so everything prior seems painfully slow. It leads to boredom. The analogy my professor used was 90s internet connection to today's super fast internet. I know I wouldn't be patient enough to sit through that AOL shit again. So I don't blame the ungrateful bastards who don't like it.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I dislike "static" turn based, i.e select an action, watch animation play, results based mostly on modifiers you can't control or at all, enemy takes turn, you can't do shite except hope you are blessed by the RNG God.

I prefer active turn based battle systems like Paper Mario and Child of Light. You not only strategize what you are going to do, but you can directly effect the outcome and the player is engaged constantly.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

You literally answered your own question in the OP.

archer9234 said:
AlfredoTurkey said:
Turn based RPGs don't bother me these days. The only thing that bothers me and is outdated is grinding and random battles. Both of those are totally unnecessary and need to die. If you pace a game correctly, there's no need to have them and they only serve to slow the story down.

How would you handle Pokemon. You want random battles and grinding gone. What would you do, to replace leveling up? More people encounters. Wouldn't you just start complaining about that then? You need to level your character up somehow. Controling the random encounters, totally want that. Removing them completely. You need a new thing to replace it though.


I can't speak for Pokemon since I never played it (when it came out, I was in high school so it's not really my generations thing). But if you look at a game like Bloodborne, I think it brings leveling up into the modern era for the most part. Grinding is still there (mother f%&ker) but, imo, it's easy to get rid of that too if you just pace the boss battles and normal encounters correctly. Alot of times, grinding is just a front for a short game. It's used as a cheap way to make a game seem longer than it really is. So, if you want to fix it, just make a longer game.