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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Fast Racing Neo thread: OUT NOW!

curl-6 said:

Shin'en are now saying the game is 590MB

I think the 1221,9 MB shown in the eShop is the space required for the installation process, not the file size.

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What? 590MB? Oh, man, they're talented, that's for sure. They've already proved it, but with this game they're surpassing all my expectations. Keep up the good work, Shin'en!

Miyamotoo said:
Nem said:
It's still beyond me why Nintendo didnt publish this game physically for them. At about the same price as Splatoon it would've been yet another good looking game in shelves for Nintendo.
I really don't get Nintendo sometimes.

Maybe beacuse price of game is only $15 game.

Digital version, yes. But people would be willing to pay 30 for a disc and a box.

Well, i would pay 30 for sure. Maybe even 40.

Hour one buy for me. I love the looks of this

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i will wait for some live comments review and I might consider it at this price.


Here is a video comparaison between the different speeds of the game.

This game makes honor to its name, is freaking FAST. Looks even faster than F-Zero GX lol

I am as happy with this game as I would be if was a "real" F-Zero. Gimme now!!!!

Details and footage of the game's F-Zero inspired "Hero Mode"

- You get one life

- Your boost bar is now your life bar, and running over the phase strips fills it up like in F-Zero

- You must place first to progress

- Tracks are mirrored

- The speed/difficulty level is locked to the highest setting

^That's insane.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

It has been a while since we had a good release within that genre (WipeOut fury HD), hopefully it does well and get's ported to different platforms like other games form shin'en recently did.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar