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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Peter Moore on Battlefront: Data says very few people play SP on these kinds of games

Oh well... I WAS going to buy this.... but star wars multiplayer only?? Wtf are these dumb asses thinking?

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Well...duh...even the older Battlefront games didn't have a traditional single player campaign.

As long as there is a way for me to play without having to play with other people, I'm good.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

I'm surprised there aren't more games like this. Players have been ignoring Single-Player campaigns for some time now.

4 ≈ One

People don't play single player Star Wars games? That is news to me. Isn't it that case that most star wars games are single player?

Does this qualify as the most ignorant statement any video game company exec has ever said in the whole history of video games? It must sure come close to it.

Add me to the list of people who won't be buying BF because it has no story campaign.

Did EA not learn from Titanfall? The game almost certainly sold less because it had no SP campaign.

Of course I think this is a retro-fitted excuse. The truth I think is that no one could come up with a decent story idea, so they said "Hey, lets make it MP only, that way we don't need to go to the hassle of doing a story, and paying actors." Truth be told I think games like TLOU have made life very difficult for people like DICE who have in the past gotten away with one dimensional stories tacked on to a multiplayer centric game. And if you are making a generic shooter like CoD and Battlefield they probably have a bit of a point. But when it's THE most well known sci-fi movie franchise, the game really demands a story to be an integral part of the experience.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix


Goddbless said:

I think he's right. For the last 3 or 4 CoD games I bought I never played the singleplayer. Majority of the shooter's out these days tend to be geared towards multiplayer anyway. I mean look at a game like Titanfall or even Destiny which is unplayable without an internet connection.

I will add that Halo is one of the exceptions to the single player rule. I get that game as much for the story as the multiplayer goodness.

Hmmm, you like the Halo single player because it's a story done well and you like the world the story has created (or for other equally copelling reasons). Do you not think Star Wars is also an important exception to the shooter rule for pretty much exactly the same reasons that see Halo's story campaign as equally important?

Another thing that pisses me off about game journalism was that there was no follow-up in the interview, just a post interview comment in the article. As a so called games jounralist the obvious follow-up question was: Well there are notable exceptions, such as Halo, which was built up on an interesting world created throughh the story with beloved characters and a multi-game story arc. Given Star Wars comes arguably from an even richer storied universe how do you justify that a Star Wars game is not also an important exception, and that story is a very big part of the Star Wars experience?

Where the EFF was that question?

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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Thank god they have another team working on a SP Star Wars game, means I can skip this one and just forget about it.

I'm also not buying it, because there is no single player. I rarely ever play multiplayer aspects of most games.

I remember back in 2001 reading an EGM magazine where a kid wrote in, worried that online gaming would eventually dilute single player games. The editor assured him that this would never happen.

The kid was right.

Aeolus451 said:

According to their data? I mainly played the single player modes in the previous Star Wars Battlefront games. I think this is really about them making money off of online passes and trying to stop people from buying used games. 

Well yeah... their Data of who is playing it is obviously gathered from looking at their servers online, they have no method of tracking what people are doing who do not play on their server so their data would indeed point to 100% of the people (who they can watch playing online) are playing the game online multiplayer. I'm afraid in their data you don't exist.

Just wait until after this game launches and it is used as a "Data" point for someone else as to how few users of it play the single player campaign, which doesn't exist, I bet the data will point to it being almost no one.

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Boycott 'em!!!