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Forums - Gaming Discussion - is the Final Fantasy 7 remake maybe a PS4 and NX exclusive? not for PC or Xbox

square enix themselves stated they are not only making this remake for themselves but also for helping sony in increasing the ps4 sales in japan. But why only sony consoles? maybe they also want to increase nintendo sales as well?

I dont know i feel there is maybe a possibility that this game is a true sony exclusive and they may end up making a deal to have also a possible release for a nintendo console as well, if the NX ends up an x86 and being powerfull enough for this game.

I dont understand why sony is supporting the pc platform so much. I would much rather like to see street fighter 5 being also out for the wiiu than for the pc. Console manufactors are locking away games for each other while giving them all to the pc. In my opinion this is a stupid trend and not beneficial for console gaming, except if youre Microsoft maybe which makes money with windows. 

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It'll be on everything most likely, besides on Nintendo platforms, I'd be really surprised if it ends up being on NX as well, like, really really really surprised.

No offense, but what is this? There is literally nothing here that would lead anyone to come to this conclusion at all.

Even if the NX comes out before the FFVII remake, I don't really see it on the system unless Nintendo helps on the developement of the game too.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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The reason SONY and MS allow PC versions is because PC is not considered a threat to their Consoles. FF7 remake will likely be PS4/PC if SONY is involved. If not it may come to XB1.

Its good to see SE put so much value in STAR OCEAN though

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No just no!!!

Another game SE is using to boost PS4 sales in Japan? Another hint at DQ XI coming to PS4 :P

OT: Don't know, doesn't look like SE has much interest in working on Nintendo home consoles, so that would be up to Nintendo approaching them about it I guess, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

spemanig said:
No offense, but what is this? There is literally nothing here that would lead anyone to come to this conclusion at all.

Yes if square wants to revive the console marked in japan then it also have to be nintendo consoles as well

the-pi-guy said:

Supposedly FFVII remake won't be coming to Nintendo or Xbox platforms, and PC is a maybe.  

Why is Sony allowing games to go to PC?  

Who knows. 

Now a days its "Really expensive" to get full exclusive rights to a third party game. Its damn expensive. Its better to let third parties to release in additional platform which is "kinda neutral" in console gaming. Third party is happy. And platform holders are also happy.

Xxain said:


The reason SONY and MS allow PC versions is because PC is not considered a threat to their Consoles. FF7 remake will likely be PS4/PC if SONY is involved. If not it may come to XB1.

Its good to see SE put so much value in STAR OCEAN though

PC is a threat to sony too