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Forums - Gaming Discussion - That one game you love that everyone else hates

Probably have to go with Resident Evil 6 also I wouldn't say that I love it but its definitely not as bad as most people think it is.

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Disney Epic Mickey

Little Big Planet Karting. Really fun game.

I was walking down along the street and I heard this voice saying, "Good evening, Mr. Dowd." Well, I turned around and here was this big six-foot rabbit leaning up against a lamp-post. Well, I thought nothing of that because when you've lived in a town as long as I've lived in this one, you get used to the fact that everybody knows your name.

Halo 4.

Diddy kong racing

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Blue Dragon

Pokemon Snap or any other N64 Pokemon game ~Thank you Stefl1504 for the amazing sig~

I am a big fan of too human

Ryse. I just tell myself that it is the newest version of Golden Axe. I only get disappointed when there is no treasure gnomes for me to kick for food.

Colonial Marines

I loved the multiplayer. SP was crap, but I had a blast playing it with my kids.