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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2014 - Stage 1 - Round 3

spurgeonryan said:
kinisking said:
spurgeonryan said:

Ahh yes. Probably is Nsanity. Nsanity used to make more threads than I did a day and I remember him being a big Xbox gamer along with ol'john.

Ryuu doesn't make threads though xD. Sorry but I think your hypothesis is wrong lol 

Well I figured that he got tired of being the guy who made threads, but had no time to discuss anything, so he perma'd himself and came back as ryuu. The news poster in the mega thread that had no responsibility.  All he has to do is post twitter news and call it a day. And as long as people post anything they can think of after he does this, he can continue to make more posts all day long. Nsanity could not do this, because when the latest topics was filled with Nsanity, people got annoyed that their stuff was bumped.

Idk man. I don't know this Nsanity character but I still think your wrong xD. Ryuu doesn't only post twitter stuff. Be posts news from elsewhere. He also gives his opinion on the stuff. He just doesn't seem to be the other guy you're describing 

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

Around the Network

5. ryuu
4. Fusion
3. Starcraft
2. Dernebel
1. Clyde


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

5p- Starcraft
4p- ryuu
3p- Clyde
2p- fusion code
1p - Dernebel

Good luck to all of you! I think you are all great!

5p - Fusioncode
4p - DerNebel
3p - starcraft
2p - Ryuu96
1p - Clyde32

5p - Clyde32
4p - starcraft
3p - Fusioncode
2p - Ryuu96
1p - DerNebel

Around the Network


5 Fusioncode
4 Ryuu
3 Dernebel
2 Clyde
1 Starcraft (if you'd only post a bit more )

5 - Starcraft (Mod solidarity! Also we need more Australian love)

4- Clyde (helps me out around the site from time to time, loves Xenoblade a fraction as much as I do)

3 - Fusioncode (A great guy, most of the time. Thinks he's the new Toastboy which is cute)

2- Ryuu (I apologise because Ryuu is one of the people I speak to the most on the site,  indeed anyone who's spoken to me will know how much admiration and respect I have for the guy. That's not an easy thing to achieve. Unfortunately I have to put my bias to one side here, and as I told him already a user who stays in one thread and, thus, is unknown by 99% of the site is not the greatest user for me, regardless of how cool he is. You've already got enough votes anyway, so this shouldn't hurt. On a happier note, you make the Xbox Nation thread a nicer place to be, because it means you don't have to sift through nonsense to get to the good stuff. I still think that if you posted more outside the thread and made your own threads you'd be in for the overall title, but as it is you can have a couple of points and I'll wear my prettiest dress to try and make up for it. Just...don't write off Ryuu guys.)

1- Dernebel (Another cool user, but someone has to be fifth )

Good luck to everyone here.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

5p- Clyde

4p- Fusion

3p- Ryuu

2p- Starcraft

1p- Nebel

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

5. Clyde32 - I owe him one .
4.StarCraft - His a mod with a cool name .
3. Ryuu96 - He has an awesome PIC
2. DerNabel - I've seen him around.
1. Fusioncide - I've rarely seen him around.

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