According to insiders, new details on the story of the order and gameplay videos will be release this week.
Story details include:
More information on the variety of enemies in the game
Information regarding one of the main villains who just moved from America to the UK at that period.
Sources confirm that this villain is responsible for the infestation of a new set of enemies that will be introduced later on in the game.
These enemies cannot survive in the sun and are almost imposible to defeat at night when they hunt in packs
There will be missions to hunt these enemies in the day and interogate them for information of their master who just moved to London
Gameplay mechanics revolving around using sun light to defeat these enemies are some of the best we have seen in a video game
The player would have to locate their nest, lure them to locations with destructible environments, and destroy the environment for sunlight to burn the enemies
their master has also found a way to walk in the sunlight which make him almost indestructible
Story details that goes back to 3000 year ago, reveal that the order was responsible for creating this enemy that has just moved to London
All these are just one aspect of the game. There are several villains including the the ones we knew of at the february reveal and reveal trailer.
More details on the gameplay and story will be revealed this week
SOURCE for teh doubters