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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is your preferred console your preferred console?


• Outstanding first-party games (Kid Icarus, Zelda, Pokemon, Fire Emblem)
• Great third-party games (Monster Hunter & Ace Attorney are the most noteworthy)
• Wide variety of smaller digital games (Pushmo, Mutant Mudds, HarmoKnight, Dillon, Sakura Samurai)
• Virtual Console for classics I never played before (Metroid II, Shantae, Mega Mans)
• DS backwards-compatibility
• Inexpensive
• Good battery life (mine came with a Nyko pack; I get at least 6 hours out of it)
• Miiverse (the ability to take screenshots of Ace Attorney, Zelda, and Fire Emblem is great)
• Multiplayer (by the end of today practically all of my closest friends will own a 3DS, despite not all of them being primarily Nintendo gamers)

I think that covers everything.

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The ps3 for me. I have always had only PS consoles and am not planning to change this ever. Playstation consoles meetall my gaming needs.

<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>

Wide range of exclusives including games from Naughty Dog..

Wii U, very overlooked. Offers very fun new gameplay.


WII U // PC // 3ds XL // VITA

Been lurking quite awhile but felt compelled to share my feelings on this one.

I chose the PS4 because I have the:

PS1/PS2/PSP/PS3/Vita and Sony hasn't really let me down yet.  That and PS+ has shown to be quite an impressive bargain.  It really has caused me to play amazing games I would otherwise have not purchased.  And most recently, TLOU.  I know others thought it was just OK but for me it was the best console gaming experience I've had since FFX maybe even FFVII. I played the game after I preordered the PS4 and a better, thank you for buying the PS3, couldn't have been delivered. I was more emotionally impacted by the game as an adult than when Aeris died while I was a child.  Sony has earned my business every step of the way and I could not/ should not deny them this generation.

If Xbox fans have felt as equally taken care of by Microsoft I see no wrong in their picking up an XBONE.

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Wii U cause:

I love the controller.

They tend to surprise me with great games that tend to be my favorite that gen. (Xenoblade last gen).

No bullcrap dlc, when you buy a game you get the complete game. (though 3rd parties screw the wii u over on dlc)

Free online.

Backwards compatibility.

It's cheaper than the competitors while still giving gamers new ways to play games.

Their hardware seems to be the only hardware that doesn't have problems bricking even when they're first released (unless you're an idiot and power it off when it's downloading an OS update like I have heard happen).

Their 1st party games are way more often than not masterpieces imo.

Reggie! Dude is hillarious.

They embrace artistic games, instead of wanting everything to be look realistic, but still has realistic looking games.

Ummmm, and that's all off the top of my head.

Ps3- Much more mature online audience, for instance im 29 and all my online friends which ive never met are similar age give or take 2 years, everyone i know in real life who owns a PS3 are also around my age Yet the xbox360 is a completely different story. All my little nephews and nieces all have 360s and when i had one at the start i noticed there were a hell of a lot of squeaky voices just babbling on so when i got my ps3 it was a relief to be talking to adult gamers and i got rid of the 360.

Also i like the PS3 exclusives better although i do really like the Gears Of War franchise.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

Last Gen:

Xbox 360

- Gears

- Usually home to the superior third party multiplatform games

- Like the controller

- Superior online

- Rareware (at least that's originally why I got into it)


- It's made by Nintendo, and let's face it, Nintendo's level of game quality is at like, a 9, whereas the vast majority of developers in this day and age are sitting somewhere between a 3-7

- 2D Mario.. nuff' said

- Free online play.. what a concept!

- Cheapest

- Wiimote is just fun to use/ revolutionary feel of the controls

- genre bending games like Wii Fit

This Gen:


- HUGE selection of games/diverse library

- HUGE amount of customization with controls and mods

- bootlegs

- Games look gorgeous

Wii U

- *see the first 4 points of Wii

- Gamepad is.. kinda neat I guess, if only for the off TV play. Don't really give two shits for the touch screen stuff however (I mean I did that back in 2004 with the DS)

Of the ones I own, the Wii U is my console of choice. It has Pikmin 3.

PS4, most powerful console, Sony exclusives won't let me down. Cant think of a bigger reason why it will be my preferred console.