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Last Gen:

Xbox 360

- Gears

- Usually home to the superior third party multiplatform games

- Like the controller

- Superior online

- Rareware (at least that's originally why I got into it)


- It's made by Nintendo, and let's face it, Nintendo's level of game quality is at like, a 9, whereas the vast majority of developers in this day and age are sitting somewhere between a 3-7

- 2D Mario.. nuff' said

- Free online play.. what a concept!

- Cheapest

- Wiimote is just fun to use/ revolutionary feel of the controls

- genre bending games like Wii Fit

This Gen:


- HUGE selection of games/diverse library

- HUGE amount of customization with controls and mods

- bootlegs

- Games look gorgeous

Wii U

- *see the first 4 points of Wii

- Gamepad is.. kinda neat I guess, if only for the off TV play. Don't really give two shits for the touch screen stuff however (I mean I did that back in 2004 with the DS)