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Forums - General Discussion - Which European country are you?

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Zappykins said:
Kasz216 said:

I took it as "Do you not want homosexuals as your neighbor.

Though yeah.  Denmark is a pretty awesome place.

It's also a lot more economically conservative then most people think.  Which is one of the keys to it's success.  Denmark scores above the US in the heritage index for freedom even though stuff like government spending and taxes fit in to it.

It has high taxation and a high saftey net, but is extremly friendly to people running buisnesses.   Unlike a lot of other europeon countries it has pretty much at will hire fire. (Which is partly mitigated by the saftey net.)


Place i'd love to live if it wasn't for my parents and my inability to learn new languages.  It's generally about as close as a country is to how i'd prefer a country to be run.  (Though sadly i don't believe the US government would be able to run a country like Denmark.)

Yea, I am totally cool with homosexual neighbors provided they don't blow smoke into my place.  Those people, grr, argh, I really can't stand.  Some in your home if you do! not in mine - or so that it goes into mine. So if we do all move there, and you smoke, just please don't blow it into my place.  thanks

Heritage index?  Not sure what that is, that not one of those horrible Kohk brothers fake foundations is it? Please tell me it's not one of those.

That sounds really good AND universal health care.  I think so many problems in the USA are from the lack of quality health care for everyone.  I think it would greatly help small business if that wasn't such an issue and people had to work for big companies because of their health care cost.

I would have trouble learning the language too.  Plus the AVERAGE height is 6'3"  I think I would get tired of being introduces as "My nice little shrimp tiny friend from the USA."


What kind of place do you live in that people can blow smoke into i?

Not sure who pays for the Heritage Foundation.  It is a republican foundation though.  It's interesting because it's pretty much the ony place that has a year by year survey of Economic Freedom.


Turkey is the polar opposite of the answers I gave to get Sweden. Must be the most religious European country.

I got Sweden! As a Swede, I don't know what to make out of this. At least we are on the finals in Hockey...

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3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

Norway, and i'm from the UK. Pleased with that.

PSP Lifetime more than PSV+3DS Lifetime.

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Sweden here, turns out we are legion

I got the UK.

That's okay, I'm from the Netherlands in reality, so the UK is only 200 kilometers away as the crow flies from where I live. I guess the results from all the northwestern European countries are similar, I don't see where I answered anything that's not typically Dutch.


I got France. Is this good?

Northern Ireland

Iceland xD