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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Civilization collapses due to electricity not working, which boardgame of mine do you play?

Hey, if there is going to be an absurd hypothetical, I might as well game it, make myself the most important person, and use it to get people to look at my stuff.  So, on that note, let's talk boardgames.

If you had no choice but to play tabletop games, which games would you play, preferably of what I have designed.  If not, what other games would you be up for?

This premise is brought to you by the new series on NBC, Revolution, where electricity permanently goes out, and civilization has to rebuild without the use of electricity:


Note: Do not attempt to play W.W.B, for your own sanity.  As for the rest, the link is below to my designs.

Edit: You can see my designs here,

I added this section to this post because people weren't finding it in my sig below.

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What folks am I surrounded by?

noname2200 said:
What folks am I surrounded by?

You pick.  Denial of access to videogames is brutal enough.  Make everything fit whatever you want here.

Alright, follow up that I probably should have asked in the first post: which games have you designed?


Edit: I've had sigs disabled since the first day that option came out, so...

Playing board games -- of which I have a bunch -- would be the least of our worries of this were to happen.

If you think about it, it is an extinction level event described in the show. So I would play Monoploy.

Mi,e from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


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Well, not a board game, but solitare. I mean, I spend most of my gaming playing solitare anyway, may as well be with real cards not computer generated ones.

Need to keep your head in the game for when wars break out.


Gameboys use batteries, so I'll just raid stores for batteries.


Monopoly and Chess are my two favourite board games. I also like Risk, though I have only played that online against CPU opponents so far.

One of these:
Puerto Rico
Wikinger (Vikings)
Die Fürsten von Florenz (The Princes of Florence)

Most probably Puerto Rico.

@OP: Which games have you designed?