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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why do you love Nintendo?

Simple enough question, but one with an answer that could run deep into your past and ultimate videogame beliefs. Why do you love Nintendo?

- A particular game?

- A number of franchises?

- How were you introduced to Nintendo?

- Or do you just love them because it's something that your mum can play while you play with your Xbox in your bedroom?

Personally, Pokemon is the reason I love Nintendo- my first console was a Gameboy Color and I put over 400 hours into Pokemon Gold (and a similar amount into Pokemon Blue)

How about you guys? All answers appreciated! GOGOGO

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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Zelda, Donkey Kong, N64, Gamecube, SNES, they filled me with joy, then came the Wii though...

Shigeru Miyamoto.

I started on the NES back in the late 80's Since then I've been addicted to them. Their games were always quality games that were easy to pick up and had lots of replay value. Also they always seem to try and evolve their games and consoles and try to give us a new and fresh exerience.

Games that are games and nothing else

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Zelda, Kirby, and Starfox. Smash Bro.'s is the icing.

in 1990 i joined the nintendo revolution, and haven't looked back since. in 1987 i held my first computer keyboard, and that started a much bigger revolution then consoles will ever see, but that's another story.

The first mario bros, so simple yet so good, Simply magnificent.
What i like about them is that they are so good with their franchise, even with old hardware they manage to make a pretty enjoyable and fun experience. Their games (tough not hard anymore, maybe becasue kids these days or im just getting better) are always a fun ride regardless of the challenge. And i think that's the most imortant thing with games, making the whole experience enjoyable. Of course they are not perfect and i know they screw up many times too.

Simply put, my favourite games are made by Nintendo or their 2nd party

N64 was my first Nintendo console i was 11 (1997) but i was introduced by my cousin years before, he owned Genesis and SNES, and while i loved Sonic, Mario World and Donkey Kong were my favs.
My first Nintendo experience was GameBoy.......TETRIS!!!!!!!

I love them mainly for Zelda, but not to say I don't love their other franchises.


Quality software on extremely reliable hardware. Both are so important to me and Nintendo nails them both.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius