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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sega Developing Shenmue 3 For PS3? – PSM3 November 2011


The November 2011 edition of PSM3 is carrying a mysterious rumor regarding a potential new entry in the fan-favorite Shenmue franchise, speculating that Sega may be actively working on the long-awaited Shenmue 3 for the PS3.

The respected gaming publication points readers toward a telling statement made by Sega, with the publisher stating that it intends to ”continue reinventing classic IP” – fueling the distinct possibility that the announcement of a brand new Shenmue title may be looming on the horizon.

Shenmue designer Yu Suzuki previously told 1UP that ”the concept for Shenmue 3 already exists”, however, plans for the title were reportedly shelved due to less-than-stellar sales of it’s predecessor and expensive budget implications for a sequel – the final figure for Shenmue 3 supposedly ballooned to over $70 million at one point.

“The concept for Shenmue 3 already exists, so… The world of Shenmue 1 and 2 expanded outward. But Shenmue 3 doesn’t expand outward, but inward.

“A lot of the dialogue is used for the main character and especially dialogue with Shenhua. They talk about a lot of different, deeper things. For example, and I can’t say too much, but here’s an example.

“This is not actually in the game, but as an example to give you an idea of what I mean by deeper dialogue, when Shenhua and Ryo are at home, Shenhua will ask Ryo if he would like to drink tea or coffee and the player will select one or the other.”

CVG previously ran a very successful feature on whether fans would want a sequel to Shenmue 2, with the passionate response prompting Mike Hayes, President of Sega West, to comment on the situation.

”While at present we have no plans for the franchise [on next-gen consoles], the response to CVG’s question has certainly shown the Shenmue legacy ignites a lot of passion among fans. Never say never…”

The idea of a new title in the much-appreciated Shenmue franchise is tantalizing to say the least, however, take this rumor with a pinch of salt until further confirmation arrives. Check out the rumor below, and in the latest issue of PSM3.

”Following an announcement that Sega are reinventing Virtua Fighter for PSN, the publisher has said that it plans to ‘continue reinventing classic IP’. Cue speculation that we’ll finally see Shenmue 3, plus remakes of Golden Axe and Jet Set Radio.”

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Interesting. I know a lot of people would be happy if Shenmue 3 was actually in development and came out.

Ha. More probably it's Billy Hatcher 3DS or some shit.

While I like to say it is possible. In 2007 PSM did write another rumour and even treated that as fact. The  title was called Ace Combat 6 coming to the ps3. 

Sorry if I am a pessimistic person in nature. Until I see something, it ain't happening. 


If the line ”continue reinventing classic IP” is all they got then it could be anything. The concept for Shenmue 3 has probably existed for many years so that doesn't say much.
This is a rumour built on rumours...

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SS or it did not happen!

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

wait and see

Please be true don't really care which platform. I just want a Shenmue 3 and continue the story.


still just a im not gonna exaggerate ^^