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Forums - Sony Discussion - Several NPG SKUs at launch, only one with 3G

Sony has moved to calm excitement that its Next Generation Portable will allow users to game online while out and about using its 3G function.

Actual simultaneous gameplay will "depend very much on the degree of data traffic that's being driven by that online game" SCEE boss Andrew House told Eurogamer.

What is perhaps more realistic, however, is asynchronous gaming.

Explained House: "One area that I'm particularly excited about is the idea of asynchronous gaming, whereby the game experience is existing either on a PS3 or on your NGP, and then the 3G ability is the real-time, you know, 'you're under attack, you've got to go do something,' messaging, just keeping that link with you, which clearly is not very heavy in terms of data traffic, but creates a whole different sense to the experience."

Multiple versions of the NGP will launch from late 2011, each with Wi-Fi capability. Only one, however, will also feature 3G.

"The first thing to clarify, which I'm not sure the presentation did a perfect job of doing today, is that all of the devices will have Wi-Fi capability; a separate SKU will have 3G," House said.

"So the user gets a choice. Wi-Fi is available wherever, which clearly is the most important aspect of connectivity and that connected experience; 3G will be a subset of that."

Sony is currently "working hard" on 3G partnerships. House confirmed there will be some cost to the user for 3G services.

"You'll hear more from us around that aspect of the strategy as we get closer to launch."


I wonder how much 3G will add to the price, or what other SKUs we might see.

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This is why Sony pisses me off sometimes. Why not put 3g in all sku's? Developers won't take advantage of features only available to a portion of the potential userbase.

This is actually quite a good idea. kind of like with the ipad if you want to pay more for the 3G go ahead but it you have less to spend then get the wifi version ^^

Yeah i know my spelling sucks but im dysgraphic so live with it :3    


Conegamer - I say that the PS3 will beat the DS next week in Japan  (for hardware sales) Forfeit is control over others avatar for 1 week.

Cunning_Linguist said:

This is why Sony pisses me off sometimes. Why not put 3g in all sku's? Developers won't take advantage of features only available to a portion of the potential userbase.

Developers will take advantage of internet no matter what. There's wifi lots of places, so even if you're not home, you can still be online.

3g will cost? im getting the regular sku!

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

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You forgot "is doomed"

Anyways, I wonder if there will Be some NGP 3G Contract deals Where you get it for $199 or lower..

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

Good that increases chances of cheap $300 SKU


Thank you sony, you answered my first concern perfectly. Now just answer me the price, and give me more original titles to look forward to and I might get you near launch (assuming I can).


Good! That means cheaper SKU's, I'm not getting one with 3G personally.

Rainbird said:
Cunning_Linguist said:

This is why Sony pisses me off sometimes. Why not put 3g in all sku's? Developers won't take advantage of features only available to a portion of the potential userbase.

Developers will take advantage of internet no matter what. There's wifi lots of places, so even if you're not home, you can still be online.

This! Plus it does allow a cheaper SKU. win win.