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Forums - Website Topics - Should We Put A Ban On People That Demand Votes From Others?


Should We Put A Ban On People That Demand Votes From Others?

No 17 65.38%
Yes 9 34.62%

This topic has arisen due to some users complaining about it. This topic only involves "VGChartz- Newcomer Of The Year". This will either be closed tomorrow or on my 1st anniversary of being on VGChartz. The winning choice will be incorporated into the next round of the competition. 

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Yes, it should, if not you should also allow people to vote for themeselves because you're contradicting your rule of the advantage

What? No. It's something that people do all the time in all aspects of life.

No you shouldn't. Spamming someone else's wall or with PM should be banned, but a request shouldn't be. It depends upon a person to heed a request or not, and if he actually does heed it, then it means the person in question is actually worthy of a vote.

Yes is winning *damn*, I guess I'll eat all these Heroes then...

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mantlepiecek said:

No you shouldn't. Spamming someone else's wall or with PM should be banned, but a request shouldn't be. It depends upon a person to heed a request or not, and if he actually does heed it, then it means the person in question is actually worthy of a vote.

are request to 10-20 persons to win a contest???

Here's what I said in the other thread:

miz1q2w3e said:
Rainbow Yoshi said:

To note: Because of complains I may have to ban people that demand votes for them, this will be decided on a vote. We're a democracy people!

I vote that it should be OK!! :D

Nobody is forced to vote for anybody AND what's wrong with asking your friends to vote for you?? if you've befriended lots of people here that must mean your a good member at least :)

EDIT: So my vote is NO, it shouldn't be banned

There would have to be like a minimum of 1000 votes for someone in order for it to work. Which is not really possible. I think the Mods are doing a good enough job as it is, if you have a problem with someone just report them to a mod. 

why would you do something so horrible like that?

who cares if people beg for votes in the end its the voter that chooses what to do and if the voter chooses to vote for the guy that begged him then that guy deserves to be voted for b/c he took the time  and went out of his way to beg someone


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Should we ban presidential candidates for campaigning? Of course not.

A request is a request. If the person hates you, they'll turn it down.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective