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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Would you buy, refund or boycott a game out of political spite?


My purchasing decisions would be effected my a political action, event or group...

Yes. 12 21.43%
No. 24 42.86%
To some extent. 14 25.00%
Not so far but maybe. 5 8.93%
Comments/Indifferent/Middle America... 1 1.79%
shikamaru317 said:

Yes, my political affiliation and religion do affect my buying habits for sure. If a game can be seen as anti-Christian I usually skip it. Likewise, if a developer goes too politically correct and forces in an overly diverse cast, especially in a context where it doesn't make sense, such as the recent Battlefield V controversy, I skip it. My love of Wolfenstein has also diminished considerably since Machine Games decided to get overly politically correct with the series, I heard alot of bad things about Wolfenstein II so I skipped it, and now it seems like they're doubling down on political correctness, the recently announced Wolfenstein Youngblood has 2 butch looking female characters as leads, so I will probably skip it as well. For awhile Bioware's LGBT push turned me off, the character Zevran in Dragon Age Origins was so overtly gay and pushy (I got unwelcomed sexual advances from him the whole game) that it turned me off of their games until Dragon Age Inquisition released, thankfully though they seem to have learned their lesson, LGBT relationships were completely optional in Inquisition, no characters tried to throw themselves at you like Zevran did in DA Origins. I am also proud of any developer who openly fights against political correctness, such as Warhorse Studios, who stood tall in spite of criticism from the left about the game not having dark skinned characters, even though having white characters in a medieval game is historically accurate. 

As far as the developer's political opinions go, I usually don't mind what opinions they hold as long as they don't let it affect their games. Most game developers fortunately have the sense to not get overly political with their games, and that is as it should be. I will say this though, I might just boycott any developer who hires the recently fired Jessica Price, her misandry is just as unwelcome in this world as misogyny is.

Amen. I agree with every word.

It's hard to boycot the very best games that one really wants to play, but games I really don't must have, that are too much propaganda for a progressive/multikulti/leftist/SJW society I do boycot. Like Firewatch, Battelfield 5, Wolfenstien.

I also refuse to buy Bioware games at full price anymore. Although it doesn't matter since Bioware was forced by EA to go for the dull open world "I-want-to-be-the-next-The-Division-and-Destiny" micro-transaction games-as-a-service strategy anyway.



Aura7541 said:
For me, I avoid games that have their content cut during the localization process. I'd like to play the game as what the creators intended.

I almost did that with Criminal Girls, but "whatevered" it and bought it eventually. It wasn't that big of a deal in that specific case IMO, and although it would have been preferable to remain untouched, it made sense to cut what they did for the west.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

I'd love to know why a bunch of people are saying Wolfenstein "got politically correct". I played through both New Order and New Colossus and didn't see that. The games deal with heavy subjects actually, and you kill a ton of people. That's not very "politically correct" imo.

A bunch of people here also sound like those people who wouldn't buy a game for having female/non-white/LGBT characters, claiming that it's an SJW move to include those kinds of people. Kinda stupid if you ask me.

Answering the OP: No, I don't think so. I obviously wouldn't buy literal propaganda games, but I don't think I've ever seen such a thing. I usually don't buy games because of anti-consumer moves, nothing to do with politics. Maybe I wouldn't buy a game from someone who offends me personally (such as Lars von Trier, I skip every single one of his films), but it's pretty hard to offend me.

Last edited by Lucca - on 16 July 2018


pizzanuggs said:
I take politics into consideration when purchasing games.

Though I have the opposite feel as you.

I'd certainly aim to support anything Jessica Price is involved with due to the recent situation.

Alternatively I am making a point to not purchase anything by some other Devs for their misogynistic/racist rants. Devs who I will not mention in this forum.

You feel strong enough about a matter to not buy games based on it... but not strongly enough to tell others who the companies are you feel don't deserve sales, you should mention them you could open the eyes of someone else to the views you have on the matter.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at


My disdain for anything Trump or his supporters at this point means I would rid myself of a company who is led by a trump supporter or funds Trump campaign.

There is no compromise for supporting fascism.

superchunk said:

My disdain for anything Trump or his supporters at this point means I would rid myself of a company who is led by a trump supporter or funds Trump campaign.

There is no compromise for supporting fascism.

That's probably going to limit you a fair amount from Western devs based in the states as a great many of them voted for him

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

No, I buy games that I think I will like.

superchunk said:

My disdain for anything Trump or his supporters at this point means I would rid myself of a company who is led by a trump supporter or funds Trump campaign.

There is no compromise for supporting fascism.



The only time I've actively looked to boycott a game is usually due to the publisher practices - often then I'll actively buy it preowned.

Sometimes people twist things to look racist when they really aren't- see Kingdom Come Deliverance

I avoid every EA game because it's EA.