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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2016 - Finish Your Lists!!

2. Hint: At some point you can pay a guy and his dog to slay enemies.
Hint 2: A named sword is on the boxart of this game in some versions.
Hint 3: Both hint 1 and 2 make appearances in some shape or form in the newest game in the long standing series.
Hint 4: Hint 1 is Yojimbo, and Hint 2 is Brotherhood.

Slarvax said:

Hint #1 - Paintings and no order.

Mario 64?

Seems like an obvious choice though so I'm not sure.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time as guessed by Entropio

And there it is, finally. After some time of discussing games, this is the point where we reach the top game of all, the number 1 greatest game of all time. 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time' certainly is that. What can be said? The game equals perfection in every way and it would be the only game I would ever give a perfect score. At least up to the present day, who knows what the future brings. This game is usually on my mind, even when playing something else, because this is what I'd rather be playing!

The game features the most classic good versus evil story one could imagine. In fact, there's a lot of comparisons to be made between it and 'Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic' in the #2 spot, so you could guess what kind of story I like. In the end there's no need for something too complicated. In the words of architect Mies van der Rohe; "Less is more". Link is an unsuspecting youth growing up amongst a tribe known as the Kokiri, when one day he is called upon by the guardian of the forest, the Deku Tree. As it turns out, he is not a Kokiri himself, but left there hidden away after birth because he is the child of Legend and needed to be watched over until time came.

One of the most epic moments in gaming as a whole is when the player enters the chamber behind the Door of Time, and pulls the legendary Master Sword from it's pedestal. Link is entombed within the heavenly Sacred Realm to wake up seven years later, only to find the world now under the depressing reign of the evil Ganondorf. When the game seemed over already, it turns out it's actually three times larger than the part you already played, and some of the best moments are still ahead. Unparalleled world and level design decades ahead of it's time, a feel of epicness and wonder never again seen and memorable event after memorable event make the game something special from start to finish.

I was already familiar with the series, and 'A Link to the Past' was already one of my favorite games. Even as a child in an age when there wasn't really much of an internet to speak of, I was very well aware of this game's impending release. I don't think I've ever been more hyped about a game release either before or since. I begged everyone in my family to get me this game; someone, please, buy me this game. I would wash the dishes for a year. I even proceeded to draw a picture of the box-art to show people so they would know what to look for. It was wrong though, I used lower-case letters instead of upper-case for the title, and colored it gold instead of black. Though my parents got the message even though it wasn't perfect, but thankfully, as it turned out this game was.

There's many more stories and memories attached to this game, and I could go on for a while, but five paragraphs is already two more than the other games outside the Top 3 get. Still to this day, when I once again see the end credits roll, I watch it without blinking an eye. It remains ever as epic. 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time', is the greatest game ever made.

So here it ends, no more hints.

First I'd like to say I had a lot of fun with this again, guessing all your games and reading all your stories. And I hope at least some of you had fun reading mine. So thanks guys! Thanks Leadified! And in advance (or for some, it already happened), a Happy New Year.

Lastly, under here are some statistics like the amount of games from the main list by platform (counted by a game's original platform only) for each platform I own, winners in each category are bolded.

Philips Videopac G7000
1970s 1
Super Nintendo
Playstation 3
Atari 2600
1980s 2
Nintendo 64
Playstation 4

1990s 27
Playstation Vita
0 Windows PC
2000s 17

Mac OS
 5 2010s 3

Series (more than 2)

Mega Drive
0 Mobile
Mario 6
GameBoy Advance

DS 1

Star Wars


S.Peelman said:
Slarvax said:

Hint #1 - Paintings and no order.

Mario 64?

Seems like an obvious choice though so I'm not sure.

Haha, no. 64 was in my 20 something

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Alrighty guys today is the final day so make sure to: PM me your final lists (the easiest option for me) or to post your list in the official thread ASAP.

The plan so far is this:

  • Sign Up Thread is locking tonight
  • Official Thread will be open until Friday
  • Discussion Thread will be open until I finish the results

I'm not sure when exactly I will have the results finished since this is my first year hosting the event and I have another university term starting soon but I will post updates in this thread and on my wall. Thank you all for partcipating and I hope you all had a lot of fun .

#1 - A Link Between Worlds

This was a game I heard from little. It came and went, and it had a following, but never acclaimed as a masterpiece. When I got it early this year, I learned what a real masterpiece is.

The intro sequence is not as great as other games; it takes you a while to get your sword and you start in a mini dungeon with no theme, which compared to ALttP's intro is pretty underwhelming. Nevertheless, you meet a lot of the cast in the process, which is the best in any Zelda game. All the sages are very good characters, there are no monologues, and they are kind of surprising to meet for the first time. Not plot-twist heavy, but still surprising.

But on the same branch, it has one of the best stories and plot-twists of any Zelda game. One bunny-like character and some lady are really shocking

The gameplay is simply phenomenal. From the moment you control Link, it is such a smooth ride that you won't stop for hours. The emphasis on Rupees is very thought out; many items are really expensive, so the majority of the treasures are Rupees. And of course, the dungeon items are locked behind Rupees at all times, instead of being in a dungeon, which opens the world to your choice and lets you use any items you want any way you want, specially because they have multiple uses.

The world is filled with houndreds of secrets, and Mai-Mais are lovely. Dungeons are amazing and each is unique. The soundtrack, which mostly features a Spanish guitar is beautiful. It looks beautiful. The whole game fills very thought out. Each part is memorable and unique; this game has no flaws.

Finally, while the merging mechanic is kinda silly, it works perfectly with the game. It's all connected in some way. Platforms are reached differently, enemies, items. 

I could go on and on about it, so I'll just say you should play this game. If you have a 3DS, it's a must. If you don't, you should consider it. It is, at the very least, almost perfect.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

2. Hint: At some point you can pay a guy and his dog to slay enemies.
Hint 2: A named sword is on the boxart of this game in some versions.
Hint 3: Both hint 1 and 2 make appearances in some shape or form in the newest game in the long standing series.
Hint 4: Hint 1 is Yojimbo, and Hint 2 is Brotherhood.
Hint 5: Maybe it's just a dream.

1 Hint: Over 100 million people have played this game at some point, and many like me have spent over 100 days /played on a single character.

Slarvax said:

#1 - A Link Between Worlds


*facepalms for myself*

Sorry guys, real-life keeps getting in the way so I haven't been able to participate in the discussions as much as I would have liked. 


So I've gone and posted my top 50 in the official thread:

Rank Game Title Developer(s) System Played Year
50 Starquake Bubble Bus Software Amstrad CPC 464 1985
49 Bioshock Infinite Irrational Games PC 2013
48 Tomb Raider & Tomb Raider Anniverssary Core Design/Crystal Dynamics PC & PS1 1996/2007
47 Tekken 3 Namco PS1 1997
46 Shaodw of the Colossus Team Ico PS2 2005
45 Call of Duty Infinity Ward PC 2003
44 Gran Turismo 6 Polyphony Digital PS3 2013
43 Metal Gear Solid 4 Kojima Productions PS3 2008
42 Age of Mythology + The Titans Expansion Ensemble Studios PC 2002
41 Bomb Jack Tehkan Amstrad CPC 464 1984
40 Mirror's Edge Catalyst DICE PS4 2016
39 Final Fantasy X Square Enix PS2 & PS4 2001
38 Neverwinter Nights + Shadows of Undrentide + Hordes of the Underdark Bioware PC 2002
37 Portal  Valve corporation PC 2007
36 Starcraft Blizzard PC 1998
35 Fallout 3 Bethesda Game Studios PC 2008
34 Starcraft 2 Blizzard PC 2010
33 Assassins Creed 2 Ubisoft Montreal PS3 2009
32 Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind + Tribunal + Bloodmoon Bethesda Game Studios PC 2002
31 Portal 2 Valve corporation PC 2011
30 Dishonored Arkane Studios PC 2012
29 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Infinity Ward PC 2007
28 Dragon Age: Inquisition Bioware PC 2014
27 Far Cry 4 Ubisoft Montreal PC 2014
26 The Witcher 2 CDProjekt RED PC 2011
25 Age of Empire II + Expansions Ensemble Studios PC 1999
24 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Kojima Productions PS4 2015
23 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas RockStar PS2 & PC 2004
22 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Kojima Productions PS2/PS3 2004
21 Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening Nintendo Game Boy 1993
20 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Bioware PC 2003
19 Metal Gear Solid Kojima Productions PS1 1998
18 Uncharted 2 Naughty Dog PS3 & PS4 2009
17 Fallout 4 Bethesda Game Studios PC 2016
16 Age of Empires + The Rise of Rome Ensemble Studios PC 1997
15 Half-Life + Source + Black Mesa mod Valve corporation PC 1998
14 Uncharted 4 Naughty Dog PS4 2016
13 Grand Theft Auto V Rockstar PS3 & PC 2013/2015
12 Mass Effect 3 Bioware PC 2012
11 Final Fantasy VII Squaresoft PS1, PC & PSN 1997
10 Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Bethesda Game Studios PC 2011
9 Super Mario World Nintendo SNES 1991
8 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Bethesda Game Studios PC 2006
7 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Eidos Montreal PC 2016
6 Dragon Age: Origins Bioware PC 2009
5 The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt CDProjekt RED PC 2015
4 Mass Effect 2 Bioware PC 2010
3 Deus Ex: Human Revolution Eidos Montreal PC 2011
2 Half-Life 2 + episodes 1 & 2 Valve corporation PC 2004
1 Deus Ex ion Storm PC 2000

I'll at least give a mini review of the 4 new entries:

40. Mirrors Edge Catalyst

This is much closer to the game I wanted the original PS3/360 to be. It still has its frustrating moments with a single minor screw up resulting in a complete mission failure, but it was simply so much fun to have the freedom to explore a city via the rooftops in first-person. It can still be better by removing those small frustrations, but this is the closest it's come to fulfilling the promise of the original first-person parkour concept.


17. Fallout 4

This game came out at just the right time for me to fall in love with it. Having just become a new father IRL the story of a character searching for his own son really gelled with me. I don't normally become too invested in Bethesda storylines (although I do tend to enjoy them), however the timing of this game's release meant I really became invested in the story which is why it's so high up the list. As a wRPG it also presented you with difficult and morally ambiguous decisions. No matter what option you pick at the end, there's always a part of you that will feel guilty. The added settlement building options (clunky as they are) just add to an already great wRPG.


14. Uncharted 4

This is the perfect ending to the Uncharted series. Although the addition of a brotherly Drake was a bit out of the blue, the story and characters had depth and explored themes that very few blockbuster games have even touched on. The larger and open environments allowed for more strategic gameplay and the removal of the spawning enemies that charcterised the previous games was a welcome move. Although the environments grew much larger the game never lost the intensity in the plot which sometimes happens when games give the player more freedom. All-in-all this is now my favorite Uncharted game. 

7. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

I'm a huge Deus Ex fan and I really enjoyed Mankind Divided. The story was good, the themes explored were in-line with Deus Ex and relevant to the world today, and you can see that they're in the process of guiding the storyline to the start of the original game (which is my no. 1). The gameplay is classic Deus Ex with multiple routes and methods for achieving mission objectives. Truly emergent gameplay at its best with perhaps only Dishonored really offering any competition in this discipline.

I've rated it lower than Human Revolution (3rd) and the original game (1st) as it really only has a single international hub area (Prague) that you revisit multiple times over the course of the game (Deus Ex had 3 hubs whilst HR had 2). The overall game also doesn't feel like a complete package as it feels like the story is in transition and we've yet to get to the meatiest part.

However, whilst I was disappointed with only having Prague as the only hub area, what I've come to appreciate is just how detailed environment really is with off-journal storylines, extra charcters and smaller, detailed side quests that all have plenty of time to shine. Whilst many games are going open world and presenting massive areas with endless streets of nameless NPCs, Mankind Divided gives the player a smaller area to explore but absolutely packs every inch with little details pertaining to the world or even to the main characters themselves. You can literally run for 5 seconds down any one of the streets and have gone past multiple areas of interest (an apartment where a murder has been commited, a guy looking for a black market exchange, hackable storage areas, side quests etc.) that really expand on the game and the world.