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Forums - Sony Discussion - More Evidence for Mass Effect on PS3

twesterm said:
Netyaroze said:

@ twesterm

Bioware doesnt do their own ports ?

Infact I remember a news right after the release of DAO they said they enjoyed developing for the PS3 and that they will develop  inhousefor PS3 in the future.


"When asked if BioWare will be keeping their PS3 development in-house, Zeschuk replied: “We have quite a few people working in-house as well. So yeah, absolutely. We think it’s one of the key platforms, obviously, so we’re definitely going to be doing PS3. You know, I can’t say anything aboutMass Effect in that regard but you know, I can definitely say Dragon Age and other things we do will definitely be on PS3."

I don't know if that quote is really old but Edge of Reality did the console versions of Dragon Age.

Also, I'm not trying to be super hard headed about this, I'm just trying to be, well, reasonable and logical.

What is more likely--

A studio that doesn't do its own ports after the game is finished starts doing their own ports.  In an effort to hide the fact they're doing their own ports they remove all references to the PS3 by hand and forget a refence.


At the beginning of the project exclusivity could still be up in the air so they kept things fairly open until it was nailed down.



The news is some months old. I dont want to argue I just wanted to show you what I have read I can give you some links. 


The news are from 28th Novemember 2009:


The Interview starts with Dragon Age is the first PS3 game bioware developed.


The link you gave said this: Edge of Reality is working closely with BioWare to hand craft Dragon Age: Origins PS3 & 360.

So they made 360 version and PS3 version ? 




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CGI-Quality said:
wholikeswood said:
CGI-Quality said:
I still don't see it happening, especially not anytime soon. I mean, is EA struggling with this one or something? Why does it NEED a PS3 release?

Yeah, God, I mean... why would a business want to make more money?

This is the second time you've tried to spin what I was saying on this issue. I didn't say they SHOULDN'T want to make more money. I asked why does the PS3 NEED this title? Is it hurting without it? I asked the same question regarding MGS4 and the 360. As I said before, I've noticed that whenever it's dealing with the PS3, you get all defensive.

But that's fine, I know for the future, at least regarding this subject, to ignore your replies

Nice try, but you asked "why does ME2 need a PS3 release?", not "why does the PS3 need ME2?".

So, I took into account the financial situation of ME2 and replied, admittedly in sarcastic fashion, that it would be fiscally sensible of EA to bring the game to the PS3.

When Bioware themselves said "we have never said that Mass Effect won't come out on PS3", that was confirmation right there.

Seldom has it been this easy to read between the lines.

Holidays 2010, Mass Effect 2 for PS3. You heard it here first.

letsdance said:
CGI-Quality said:
twesterm said:

Another thing, Bioware does not do the ports for their games.

If Mass Effect 2 were going to the PS3, they would hire someone else to port it to the PS3, probably the same people that ported Dragon Age to the consoles.

In that case, they would be two completely separate builds that have never seen each other and there would be no reason to have that above stuff mixed in there.

All this thread and the "evidence" in the OP is just wishful thinking.  Face it, not every game comes to every console.  It sucks but that's life.  If you want to play Mass Effect, buy a PC or 360, if you want to play God of War, buy a PS3, if you want to play Super Mario Galaxy, buy a Wii.

That was my reasoning for buying my PS3 a few years ago, for FFXIII, we now know how that turned out :)

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

ameratsu said:
If I were a ps3 only owner, I'd seriously considering upgrading my pc or buying a 360 to play this game. It may or may not come over, but between ME1, ME2 and other great pc/x360 titles it would be well worth it.

Or, you know, if you only have a PS3 you could play the other games out there..


I've blown close to $600 on games in the last week or so (2 I have now 6 others are preorders)

5)Star Ocean: international - PS3
6)Bioshock 2 - PS3
7)Heavy Rain


However - I will admit, I also bought ME2 for 360 :) 
I also think that Alan Wake will be better than ME2, or at least I hope so.


Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

Around the Network

is twestern a bloody mod?

Welcome to waiting 8-12 months for the game, and not having the 1st one.

This is like MGS4 for rabid xbox fans, 3 years into the franchise and PS3 owners are still discussing Mass Effect. Are you gamers or not? Go play the PC version or the 360 version, jesus.

no comment on that one


its coming

when they don't deny it, its when its going to happen..

when they deny it, it doesn't happen



Hope EA releases mass effect on PS3 soon.

Well if it ever comes out i hope they will release ME 1 as well.

A the moment i really dont see much evidence of this happening, game will be a hit on the 360, so i doubt they feel need to port it to the PS3.