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Forums - Sony Discussion - Heavy rain, what do you think the metacritic score will be


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2010 Hardware Sales Predictions

Wii: 20m- Sales will drop, but not by much.

PS3: 13.5m- It sold 12m in 2009, its only common sense it will sell more this year.

Xbox 360: 11m- It sold 11m in 2008 and 2009, I think it will sell the same.

My Fanboy Speech...

Why do you have to make excuses to defend a product that you purchased, but that's the only connection you have to it, you don't make it, you don't lose or gain money on it. I don't see where all of the defensiveness comes in, there is no reason for you or anybody else to feel obligated to defend it. Now I would understand if one of you were a developer for the product and you slaved over said product only to hear somebody call it stupid or a piece of junk. But none of you developed it, none of you are mature enough to realize that. Choosing a product all comes down to preference, you chose said product because it is best for you. Simple as that!

From the early reviews, I would say 88-92.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

snyperdud said:
I'm going to guess anywhere from 86 - 91 %

I think it will fall within these scores aswell.

It all depends on whether or not some reviewers dont "get it".


Lots of 90+ scores...with a few that just doesn't get it giving it 60-70.

So overall 88.

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masterb8tr said:
1-100 i guess:p any bets?

i bet 101 haha

88 - solid score

I think it will score around 90-95%. But we'll just have to wait and see.

Mid 80's I would say. Some will definitely like this game, other may not.

if the main character at one point of the story does not use a gun from halo ign will rate it bad! and the metacritic will go down a bit :/ ima guess 9.4