Crystalchild said:
KylieDog said: I'm trying to work out why Lightening sucks.
I was using Fang/Sahz/vanille and killed adamantoise fine. I decided to switch Sahz for Light since she has better damage potential plus the auto-stagger and I just maxed her Syn role which was the main reason I used Sahz.
Despite having more health than vanille though as well as more damage reduction she keeps dying. Repeatedly. I cannot kill two feet without her dying first.
Whats up? Why she suck? |

well, you can easilly prevent that to happen if you change to Sen/Sen/Sen right before the Stomp. (4k..?) if i had to rate the Characters in Battle, i'd go with the following:
Vanille: 10/10 (She IS a Beast, and i manage to deal 999.999 Damage w/her once the enemy is staggered., i killed Long Gui when he felt down first)
Lightning: 9,8/10 (Sadly, she is missing some good skills in some Class-Roles, but she is the best ravager, imo)
Fang: 9,5/10 (Great Commander, but not as useful in other Roles as Light)
Hope: 9,4/10 (Greatly Doing his Job as Syn/Rav, and yes, he hasnt as much life points as the others, but i dont care.)
Snow: 8/10 (The BEST Sentinel available, he can eat damage as it would be nothing. Long Gui's Stomp deal's 100-200 Damage with total defense. but he lacks some Strength and Magic, so the others are a bit more useful in other Roles)
Sazh: 6,5/10 (He's the only one with offensive Syn Spells, but once that Changes, he's Useless, because his stats does suck.)