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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Official Final Fantasy XIII Thread + League + VGCritic

chriscox1121 said:
how many missions are there?

There are 64 missions in Final Fantasy XIII.

Odd. Future. Wolf. Gang. Kill. Em. All. OFWGKTA Don't give a fuck!

Fuck Steve Harvey. FREE EARL!

Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be the GREATEST game EVER made!!!

I'd take a bullet for Square-Enix! 


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Crystalchild said:
outlawauron said:
Crystalchild said:
Fab_GS said:
Crystalchild said:

wrong. :P the hype for Versus XIII Begins. im still confident that it will be WAY better than XIII, hard goal, but im sure they'll do it. ;)

FFvXIII is an ARPG, which makes Final Fantasy XIII better by default.

Star Ocean: TLH is Action-Based too, but its better than FFXIII, so dont say that.


nah just kidding, i can compare SO and FFXIII because they are too different from each other.

Please don't bother comparing quite possibly the worst RPG (right down there with Two Worlds) with this game.

i LOVE Star Ocean: TLH (with Jap. Voiceovers). :P

but more important..


Eww, you can't hardly call those things chocobos! And honestly, voice acting was nearly my biggest problem with the game.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Noooo! squareenix removed the easiest way of obtaining cp =*(

a12331 said:
hikaruchan said:

BTW out of Lightnings Weapons which is the best in everybody opinion to max out first Blaze Edge or Gladius I have them both at Lv4 at the moment  but I can not choose which one to max first. 

i personally find the lionheart the best weapon lightning has, but you do not get it till chapter 12... 

I have Finished the Game but just looking at upgrading for the next 35 missions. 

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

iLLmaticV3 said:
hikaruchan said:

BTW out of Lightnings Weapons which is the best in everybody opinion to max out first Blaze Edge or Gladius I have them both at Lv4 at the moment  but I can not choose which one to max first. 

I got the Gladius to Tier 2, but I prefer the Lionheart though, it Staggers enemies pretty fast, but you don't get that until Chapter 12...

I don't think you should wait until you get the Lionheart, you'll be kinda weak until then. should go with the Gladiu

I finished the Japanese Version of FFXIII with LV4 Blaze Edge I am just looking at Upgrading to get better weapons for the next 30+ Missions. 

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

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a12331 said:
i beat the game!
took me 35 hours including 50 percent of the missions and grinding!!
also got 5 stars on the last boss! the game wasnt too hard, died a total of 3 times the whole game =D

you beat FFXIII in 35hours I took 64hours to beat FFXIII I did all the missions that you can do before the end of the game which is about 30 with alot of grinding and my team all had around 8000HP with Snow at 9400HP at the end with 5 Stars on all Missions and 5 Stars on last Boss. 

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

going to finish chapter 10!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Just finished Chapter 7. AMAZING chapter!!!!

Chapter 7 - 9.6

just finished Chapter 7 and its easily my favourite, Fang and Lightning combo is my favourite by far. And the Behemoth with a sword made it even better, a massive 10/10.

End of 2014 Hardware Predictions (03/03/14)

PlayStation 4: 12-15million

Xbox One: 7-10 million

Wii U: 8-9 million (Changed 01/04/2014 from 7-9 --> 8-9 million)

I LOVE FANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!