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Forums - Sales Discussion - Holy Hell hardware adjustments!

ioi said:
Adjustments were for Scandinavia and other Europe, going back over 3-4 years. Data is very hard to track accurately in those regions and these latest Nintendo graphs show how much we were overstating figures in those regions... across the board

I thought the big 3 only reported shipped? How do Nintendo know how much Microsoft and Sony have sold? And how do you expect us to believe there are 2 million 360's in stores/warehouses? :-S that's like the biggest discrepency from VGChartz and actual HW shipped in VGChartz history isn't it? ....


Does anyone know when Sony announce their figures?


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huaxiong90 said:
PS3 was overtracked by 1.1 million...and Xbox 360 by more than half a million...those are not small numbers. There better be an explanation.

there is, Nintendo provided a chart. Except when Microsoft and Sony announce "sold" figures it's always shipped? I don't get it :-S


I prefer a not-so-well tracked EU than a non EU tracking...and it seems that in the Americas and Japan the site is very good, the problem is EU and they say they're increasing the number of sources...what should they do? We don't pay so they don't have much money to use for improving the tracking system...

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numonex said:
I do not accept these console sales adjustments!!!

Haha, nice! Unfortunately the 360 got the better end of the stick this round, so we need to hear it from a PS3 fan to be genuine

I think people are overreacting on this. Sure, you can take it as VGC tracks the Others region poorly. However, it's still better than nothing, and still useful when keeping its limitations in mind. I think a large part of the problem comes from people being too attached to Sony's sales - seriously, even with this the PS3 is doing fine (unsure about PSP).

Adjustments happen...

ultraslick said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I find my lack of faith with vgchartz disturbing now... those are vast adjustment numbers, though i still in the end, highly doubt wii will ever take that 50%, not that it matters it just wont.

I'm with you on that one.

I now understand why the people on neogaf feel the way they do.

There is no justifying inaccuracies of this magnitude, not ever.

the slogan here should be; "Your guess is as good as ours!"

Is it really that big an inaccuracy? I personally assume VGChartz has an error margin of around 10% (though I'd wish they'd publish what they feel their margin of error is) and I don't think that is particularly unreasonable, especially in others. Just look at the comparisons between Famitsu and Media Create. There are often times their numbers differ by 10% or more, and they are only tracking a single country, not multiple countries across multiple continents.

These types of adjustments aren't uncommon in most areas which use statistics modelling either. New data comes along or a model gets refined and numbers suddenly jump around. The fact is, the numbers are "good enough" for anyone here to have some fun and a bit of a discussion about game sales. Anyone who feels they are "owed" an explaination or is upset about these changes needs to lighten up a bit or do their own personal stats tracking if this site isn't good enough for them.

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I don't get why it's so hard for some people here to believe that these numbers just might be more accurate than the ones they had previously posted.. I mean you would think that's why they made this adjustment right? And if these numbers aren't accurate like you say, what makes you think the numbers they had posted before WERE accurate?

Even if it is adjusted down by 1.1M it isn't all that bad. If you look at it their total figures were still within the margin of error.

It was a statistical tie!

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Haha. Now things are starting to get really interesting on this site.

If i lose access to this profile as well....I'm done with this site.....You've been warned!!.....whoever you are...

Happy Wii60 user. Me and my family are a perfect example of where hardcore meets casual and together mutate into something awesome.

There is something strange here.

November 2009 , Microsoft announce 10 Millions XBox360 In EMEA ( Eurome, Middle East , Africa ) and recently they announce 5 Million Xbox360 sold between October and December IN THE WORLD.

So it's impossible for the XBox360 to be at 14 millions in Europe. That doesn't make sense.


Sorry for my bad english.... i'm French. 

This is probably a good time to say; oops!