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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will The Last Story and Xenoblade outsell Tales of Grace in Japan?


Will The Last Story and Xenoblade outsell Tales of Grace in Japan?

Hell ya! Both will be bigger than ToG. 38 40.00%
Nope. Both will fail miserablely. 13 13.68%
Only if the reviews are good... 5 5.26%
Only The Last Story will. 22 23.16%
Only Xenoblade will. 3 3.16%
It will if you combine th... 14 14.74%
Hero_time88 said:
jarrod said:
Hero_time88 said:

If the president of Enterbrain is right (game like-games don't sell on the Wii) they will probably bomb just like ToG.

Since I don't live in Japan and that guy knows more about the Japanese market than everyone here, I'l go with what he says.

He was talking about 3rd party games.  These are both Nintendo games, who's "game-like games" tend to smoke everyone else.

Especially Punch-out and Sin & Punishment 2 (sold less than the avarage cave shooter on the 360).

It would say the mainstream Nintendo games


Nintendo's "core" RPGs and adventure games have done okay (Super Paper Mario, Fire Emblem, Twilight Princess).  I guess they're all already popular IPs, but then S&P2 and Punch-Out Wii were based on already unpopular IPs. And Fatal Frame Wii is the best selling game in the series...

Point still stands though, he was talking about 3rd party, not Nintendo.


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darthdevidem01 said:

All this is from his blog:

We've completed several projects, and Mistwalker's first wave has passed. Even as we reflect on our many experiences, we embark on our next journey. There are many things to accomplish.

・New ideas
・Combining the scenario and game system
・Real time
・Ideas that are emotionally moving

We're doing research & development from a prototype that I haven't worked on since FF7. We're finished with that for now. There were a lot of trials and errors, and it took longer than expected, but it was an unexpectedly good challenge. I'm reminded again of how "it pays when things are working," so taking advantage of what a prototype offers, there were many trials and ideas that didn't seem to work out, but I think we made a new feeling and experience. From here on out is a phase in which we take steps towards our next product. The scenario is still just a rough plot. We brainstorm, rethink, and exchange ideas every day. Anyway, the whole team is moving towards those "new ideas." Our struggling efforts may reach us even higher than our first wave, and take us to the next level. So, that's what we hope for !

So for now, here's my first entry.

But this isn't Cry On right? As far as I know it's just Sakaguchi working on CO, and not MW, right?

Small update:

Originally Posted by Sakaguchi:
Right now, I’m making a game and I’m going through quite a bit of trial and error. My main objective will be to not be embarrassed in calling it the ‘next gen’ RPG. While characters, maps and other essentials are developed in parallel, the game system is tweaked daily. It’s been going on for a year. Feels like it never ends…but there should be a solution ahead. I’m starting to see it a bit. Finally.

After tiring myself over these thoughts, I build Legos.....

Another update 1-7-09

Originally Posted by Sakaguchi:
Something New

New Project Finally Half Way Through

I’ve finally reached half way up the mountain in regards to the latest project I’m on. Of course, there is a lot of work left to do, but I feel it’s approaching something I wanted to achieve. I’m betting a lot on this project.

Oh, and I have an announcement.....
the project, “Cry On,” is no longer in production. I had a lot of special feelings behind the story of the Rock Giant and the young girl, but I regret not being able to go with it.

That being said, I’m starting a completely new, large scale project, different from this. I can’t reveal the platform, release date or the content of the game itself, but I’m putting my full strength into this project; including 120% of my emotions.

“Something new” is always a difficult proposition.
Challenging the idea, I find the energy from myself and sense the feeling of living. Sense of fulfillment; I sincerely feel the importance of it.

May 4th update:

Originally Posted by Sakaguchi:

Planning to basically put importance on having seamless control of the overall direction of the game, mixed with CG spectacle scenes. Controls will have a bit of a trick to it, while having a blend of RPG-type strategy and growth. Behaviors based on interaction with the situation around you...wait, I'm not supposed to say more than this… (^^;

Sometime this year, it seems I'll be able to announce what this new project is. During that time, we will try and post model artwork, behind the scenes stories, as well as introductions to staff who worked on the development. With all the different elements and staff putting their "heart and soul" into it, it feels different from projects until now, but in a good way. Please look forward to it.

New pic



He has mentioned many times this is a new direction for RPG's & its is "true nex-gen"

In nintendo's press briefing they said it would be a "new form of RPG"

who knows what all this means, there are rumors the vitality sensor will be used with it

If your hoping for this to be a fresh project that takes JRPG's in a new direction, then get hyped!!!

Oh damn. Now you've got me hyped. The only thing I didn't like the sound of there was "CG spectacle scenes", but I can live with that.


I can only imagine that Nintendo must have thought about how to disrupt the jRPG. This is sounding more and more like it's the result of that sort of thinking.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

rccsetzer said:

Don't know. Last Xeno games didn't do well in terms of sales, and they were released for the most popular console of all time : PS2. Xenosaga Episode 1 was a high budget game (i love it), but focused so much on cutscenes and sci-fi themes. They tried to make a game for Americans and Japanese at the same time and failed. They are probably trying to use Wii to release a lower budget game and rise from the ground they are now (sadly)

I think they were only developing Xenosaga for Japanese audiences.  I don't remember them aiming for American gamers until Episode I sold better in the US than in Japan

I don't know.. I really hope both are successful because the genre seems to be suffering in sales lately.. Tales of Graces got some of the best reviews of the series and seems to be selling less than a PS3 port of a yearold game.

Depends on the advertising and the actual quality of the game. We know hardly anything about either game. (more on Xenoblade, but nothing about The Last Story)

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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It depends on how well Nintendo markets both.

And for the record, I think Tales of Graces' sales are pretty good. Not anything super, but not too shabby either; it's at 210K at the moment; I expected it to do much worse.

Hm, could go either way. I chose the last option because that's the only given lol.

I'm quite optimistic about both titles, however.

It all depends on marketing. If they are marketed well, then they will easily outsell Tales of Graces. If not, then it will sell about the same amount.

darthdevidem01 said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:
Its pure speculation at this point. We haven't even seen gameplay footage, let alone marketing or publicity from Nintendo itself.

My take is that, if Sakaguchi couldn't help sell XBOX360 and DS units in Japan, then he may not be as strong of a force as people believe he is. His Wii offering may be just that, his 'Last Story' to prove if he can deliver a game to satisfy the masses beyond just Final Fantasy (or a game similar to it).

As for Xenoblade, its a sequel of a sequel series of a game that was on Playstation. There's really no way to gauge how well it'll be received. Frankly, I feel its gonna be an uphill battle to make that title popular and even after all that work, it may only sell to those who already liked Xenosaga at the end of the PS2. Which wasn't much (Xenosaga Episode III only sold around 180,000 units total). So while the 'name' of Xenoblade is big, its sales may not be. The only way they may get people to buy the game is a big media push and trying to market it as a totally different game.

THis is different (regarding The LAst Story)

Sakaguchi has this game in prototype since FF7

thie project is way bigger than BLue Dragon or Lost Oddesy was

Please, don't take that kind of stuff serious. Infinite Undiscovery was a game built on ideas from about 10 years before it was actaully made and look how that turned out. I can hardly take what they said about Xenoblade either. Saying bullsh*t like "Tetsuya Takahashi poured his heart out in the game and that is why me named it Xenoblade instead of Monado". Please, we all know they renamed it to get more attention on it so they can make more money. I'm sure MANY video game developers pour their heart out in their games. Its just that some people's hearts aren't as pretty as others :P.

xeno has been a series on the decline, it used to be huge, maybe they could revive it but the last xeno game sold less than ToG will so it's possible, could go either way. The Last Story will outsell it most likely yeah, i haven't seen the budget or how it will be marketed but i can't imagine it not outselling it.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X