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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Darksiders doing well becase of Zelda

I went to my local gamestop to buy a new game as I had a 20% off coupon. I was planning on getting Bayonetta when the store clerk stopped me. He asked if I liked Zelda when I said yeah he insisted I get Darksiders instead. He continued to make points about the similarities between the games and in the end said "This game is what a mature Zelda would be like on a 360." I ended up buying it and this thought went through my head.

Is Darksiders only doing well because people are waiting for a new Zelda game and this is just to hold them over?

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its doing well because its a good game on its own

Seriously? It plays like Zelda?
(this is a question :) )

Because if so, I might give it a try!


it is only doing well because the hero is using a big penis as a weapon .... (I mean look at his sword !)

Also, it is a good game with standard/classic but good art style ...

Time to Work !

I really take issue with the idea that Zelda isn't a mature game. It isn't a bloody game but it's far from childish. It's mature in the story it tells and the puzzle and exploration aspects. Mature doesn't = violence or gore. I'm really sick of this train of thought.

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Yeah but is Darksiders -gameplay wise- anything like zelda's??? If it is I may check it out cos I like that kind of thing!

I'm sure the comparisons aren't hurting its sales.  It's an easy way to describe the game that many people can relate to.  I'm glad to see it selling reasonably well.  What it lacks in originality, it makes up in the gameplay department.

Every review I've seen of this game quotes Zelda for comparison.

I think this game mostly resembles a God of War type of game and is nothing like zelda as far as I can tell. I think some are getting "high" hopes of a more mature, HD version of zelda; which is not even close to what this game is all about. This game actually borrows from a few genres. I mostly see a ton of homages to games like Devil may cry and to a lesser extent onimushi.

It's like a GOW/Zelda mix game. I know I have it

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints