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Forums - Sony Discussion - When will you upgrade to the PS4?


When will you upgrade to the PS4?

As soon as I can 126 51.85%
I'll wait for a specific game 117 48.15%

i will buy asap!!

I Hate the fact that all these pillows are contaminated by retard!!

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When the PS4 Slim arrives.
Usually I am an early adopter.
But this time I'll have countless unplayed games on multiple systems when it comes out.
So I'll be busy enough.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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You mean IF the PS4 comes out.

I think I'm like a lot of other people: I'll buy it when I think it has come down to a reasonable price (which is why I only got a PS3 a few months ago).

I will buy it day one. No matter how awsome or how Wii it is, it is still an upgrade.

Now about price. You can not expect the price of objects to always stay the same.

1995 2006
PS1 $299 PS3 $499 - $599
Gas* 96c p/g $3.20 p/g In my area
F-350* $20,000 $27,000 avg MSRP
Moy Job $20.00/h $28.50.00/h I was not at Boeing in 1995 since I was 7, but that is the differance in max pay for my grade in that time.
US Min Wage $4.25/h $5.15/h
House Value $145,000 $270,000 My parents house, and nothing has been done to warrent any increase in that time.

So please use some common sense when it comes to the price of new electronics. This is not 1970, 1988, 1995, or any other year you wish it still was. Inflation is real, and people not buying stuff because they have an idea of what they think it should cost because, in 1918 it was only this much is horrible for the economy. If you decide to buy a prodcut that does half the stuff of something else just because you believe it should be priced at X price point, you are hurting all of us. If you are going to buy anything, buy the best. Save money until it is possible.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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I am getting it day 1

Day uno

A year after.

Who's the best Pac, Nas, and Big. Just leave it to that.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Slaughterhouse Is The Sh*t  .... NOW ........ B_E_L_I_E_V_E

I'll buy it when it's $500 we all know is ganna take some time to reach 300. Sony always had the best stuff out there so I know I will get something good also after the price cuts usually the systems get cheaper like the ps3 slim. I won't get it day one but probably 6 months deep. I probably won't but MS shit anymore since they screw ppl with RROD and online payments. Don't get me wrong online is good but shouldn't be at a price also their technology is always outdated and no blueray haha that's a joke right? Also Sony is working on something grater than blueray which Is crazy

While it's pretty much set in stone that I'll buy the next Playstation at some point, I won't be buying it day one unless launch games are incredible!

I waited until MGS4 to buy my PS3 and it was a great move. I still have BC, I paid less and I didn't have to suffer the "no good games" era.

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