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Forums - Sony Discussion - When will you upgrade to the PS4?


When will you upgrade to the PS4?

As soon as I can 126 51.85%
I'll wait for a specific game 117 48.15%

i'll wait about a year most likely. i feel burned this gen with buying a 360 too early and deciding i hated it. i want to wait a bit into next gen so i can decided with system i really want instead of buying all systems.

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I never bought a console on its lunch date or anywhere near that. The prices are usually way above my budget. So I tend to wait a year or so unless a really realy good game comes out and I really want to play it.

At some point, something must have come from nothing...

...nothing can come from nothing...

probably when ps5 launches....unless i become more rich.

Depends on games being released with it, but soon as I could afford, With Sony I don't feel the need to wait, they always release Quality products.

Might never buy it

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I think most people wait for a certain game. I read a news article awhile back saying approx 1/3 of ps2 owners were waiting for the release of gow3 before they brought a ps3. If that's true that's a lot of people.

I love how this thread has legs but the other Microsoft and Wii ones don't.

Bamboleo said:
I love how this thread has legs but the other Microsoft and Wii ones don't.

I think all of the MS fans have already posted. This one should go at least 10 pages of just Sony fans, not counting any MS trolls starting fights.

if its £299 or 1

I'll try to buy two, one to keep the other to make a profit with on ebay just like I did with the ps3. Spent 30 something hours in a fucken walmart to get it. Well worth it sold it as a buy it now item for $2000. But if the next Xbox comes out 8 months before it I might not be able to justify buying a PS4 so quickly. If Sony is smart the will bring the next playstation before or around the time the next xbox (or Wii, boring) comes out.