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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 OWNS 2010 !

i think Wii has the best lineup....shhhhhhh


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no i dont agree, i think ps3 has alot better exclusives games out this year, but like is said thats your opinion and tats what counts for you .

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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CGI-Quality said:
Lord Flashheart said:
CGI-Quality said:
Lord Flashheart said:

@CGI the point was that MS fans are in the minority and this site is mostly Sony fans.
Quickly becomming N4G 2.0

Why does any of that matter? If this site was 100% Xbox Supporters i'd still come here. I think all of this "we're on one side while y'all are on the other" crap is ridiculous.

Jeez people, it's an electronic device. Why does it matter that others support another?

It doesn't matter what does matter is how you can't have a discussion because you get trolls coming in with their "opinion" not to educate or add to the topic but to derail it and troll.

Read a Natal thread recently?


Or ever?

I'm sorry, perhaps I missed it in here. Who did such to this thread?

On that same note, where have you been in the God of War III threads? Like I said, it happens from all sides. You should know I've been in natal threads, you quoted me in one, as I defended the service. Again though, where are these "trolls" you speak of in here?

Let me just pick up the goal post and move them over here.

That's what you're doing now.

We was talking about threads in general. 

Ajescent said:
In defence of this thread, ps3 have done something similar with regards to that "drunken" thread a while back. No harm in 360 fans liking their line up the same way there's no harm in ps3, wii, pc fans liking their own. The harm comes when people try to say ours is better than yours without any proof.

That was the first time you asked where are the trolls in this thread.

I suppose I could say pauly989. PSgamer rarely disappoints. ping_ii. But I wont.


Just to clearify my own personal stand point, I don't mind fans saying my (console of choice's) list is looking sexy and it makes me happy,
what gets on my nerves is when fanboys say Mine looks better than yours, I know this even though I only have console A and have never had any contact with Console B what so ever or as CGI pointed out, "my list is better than yours regardless of what you say."

There's no denying this site has more Sony fans but I question the 75-25 ratio that someone was trying to pass earlier, I don't know the exact numbers but I doubt it's that extreme.

But with that said, it should be noted there's a difference between a fan and a fanboy, the trolls who hijack "enemy" threads are just that, trolls and should be ignored. These guys are in a very vocal minority so they tarnish everyone else with that brush so I urge you not to be hasty assuming all Sony fans are fanboys/trolls, it's difficult I understand and as I pointed out, when the minority are so vocal but there are some worth salvaging exactly the same way that not all 360 or Wii fans are trolls, you just have to know how to seperate the wheat from the crap.

But we're way off topic, Alan Wake does look rather sexy so does Splinter Cell (imo) looking better than MGS4.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

oh yeah x360 pwns 2010 confirmed. sony and nintendo are DOMED.....actually just nintendo....=P

End of 2010 Predictions (Original Prediction Made: Jan. 1, 2010---Revised April 1, 2010---Revised Again July 1, 2010---Revised Again on Nov. 1, 2010)

PS3: 46 MIL (April Revision: 44 MIL, July Revision 43 MIL, Nov. Revision 45MIL)

360: 44 MIL (April Revision: 46 MIL, July Revision: 48 MIL, Nov. Revision 49MIL)

WII: 82 MIL (Apr. Revision: 84 MIL, Jul. Revision: 82 MIL, Nov. Revision: 82MIL)

THE MUST BUY LIST of 2010: Gran Turismo 5

THE BOUGHT LIST of 2010: White Knight Chrnociles, Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy 13, God of War 3, Modnation Racers, Sports Champions

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The numbers were made up but the point stands.

Dexorosorous said:
oh yeah x360 pwns 2010 confirmed. sony and nintendo are DOMED.....actually just nintendo....=P

The wii was never Domed, but the ps3 was now it's lost weight though, I'm not sure.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Metallicube said:
Gh0st4lifE said:

CGI-Quality "Well, nothing wrong with an opinion."

V-r0cK "an opinion it is indeed and nothing more"

Andysw "Opinion is opinion. Nothing to argue about."




I hope i don't get banned for this but seriously... in less than three minutes ?

I found out very quickly, this site is mainly Sony fans, with Nintendo fans in second, and very few 360 fans. It's like 75% Sony, 20% Nintendo, and 5% MS...

The Ninty fans don't sabotage every thread in the opposition's forum though.  The Sony fans on the other hand...

The weird thing about the complaining in this thread is that the 360 fans want to be able to express their opinion about how their console has the best lineup. Yet when Sony fans come in and disagree, respectfully might I add, they are trolling. If you didnt want any opinions besides the ones that match yours, you should have said so.

With that said, I'm not even fully aware of what console exclusives MS has coming in 2010 so I cant make a judgement either way. All I know of is Halo Reach, Alan Wake (maybe), Mass Effect 2 and Splinter Cell. Oh yeah, Fable 3 maybe. A great list no doubt, with maybe more to come.

I am a gamer. Not a fanboy, not a troll, a gamer. So when you dont like what I have to say, remember this fact.

CGI-Quality said:

A perfect example Lord Flashheart. These things happen form all sides with all sets of fans.

And as i've said using the, well one person said this so we can do it carte blanche, isn't a valid excuse. We have to expect to put up with it from handfulls of people but when threads are constantly overrun then having their behaviour justified or marginalised by others ruins it for those trying to have a discussion in the first place.


I thought minorities were supposed to be protected to the hilt?