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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz Standard and Premium Memberships


What if VgChartz starts charging a monthly fee to view sales numbers?

I won't pay. 334 75.57%
I'll pay. 23 5.20%
I'll go to BugriChartz instead. 85 19.23%
ioi said:
I know what he's saying and I answered it...

It would take just as much time and effort to answer me properly, I mean seriously... why is it so hard to converse with you?

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If 3.0 gets a good redesign over this mess though Id gladly become much more active in the forums. Free hits man.

As for the membership cost I see no problems with it. It was nice enough to get all of this stuff for free and as long as I can browse to a game and see what it's total sales are (Can I still do this? Will it still show total sales on the game pages?) I will be happy.

I probably won't pay for it though since the removal of ads isn't included as of now, which is a big minus for me if I am paying a cost. No ads if one of the main reasons I have brought up the request of a subscription plan plenty of times before.

Either way I won't be going anywhere and I wish you guys all the best with this new venture.

By the way, will those with memberships be given a private forum area? I don't know if this was mentioned yet. I ask because this would give them a way to talk about the numbers info they are granted without making it viewable to non subscription members of the site.

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I am not sure I value the data that much. If it gets too expensive, I will have to table following this as much as I have done in the past. I may pop in for general chat. But, will likely try to drop out of biz talk and focus far more on my non-profit work.

Coming soon to a TV near you... chess. Message me for details (like tell me HOW we can get chess on TV ).

However, I do respect Brett trying to do this, and him being able to make money doing this.

ioi said:
WTF? You're the one with the attitude here.

As I said, the data isn't "secret" merely hard to access (as it is at the moment). By paying for memberships you make the data easier to access and manipulate in whatever way you want. You are paying for easier access, not paying for data. All data is already available on the site and will continue to be, just not in an easy-to-use list format.

If someone with a paid membership start posting pages and pages of data in the forums their membership will be removed. If they post the occasional sales for a title (which could be determined easily enough from the change in LTD on the game page from the previous week anyway) then I'm sure nobody will have an issue.

Please tell me where I'm having an "attitude".

And thank you for your clear answer. I wish you'd give answers like this more often.

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ioi said:
Chrizum said:

Please tell me where I'm having an "attitude".

And thank you for your clear answer. I wish you'd give answers like this more often.

All of my answers are clear. This is about the 20th time I've given the same answer in this thread - not my fault if people keep asking the same questions over and over without reading the thread first.


The problem is that many of your posts are quite ambigious. I think it would help if you provided more clear replies.

I think ioi needs a hug. Seriously, I would have flipped out by now if I was ioi (but then again, that's me).

Chrizum, if you want more access to the data, you could consider becoming a contributor. Of course, that would require helping out the site, and I guess that's just too much to ask.



MontanaHatchet said:
I think ioi needs a hug. Seriously, I would have flipped out by now if I was ioi (but then again, that's me).

Chrizum, if you want more access to the data, you could consider becoming a contributor. Of course, that would require helping out the site, and I guess that's just too much to ask.


If I came across as wanting to acces the data, you interpreted me wrong. I was merely trying to get a clear answer to your question, which I got.

Chrizum said:
MontanaHatchet said:
I think ioi needs a hug. Seriously, I would have flipped out by now if I was ioi (but then again, that's me).

Chrizum, if you want more access to the data, you could consider becoming a contributor. Of course, that would require helping out the site, and I guess that's just too much to ask.


If I came across as wanting to acces the data, you interpreted me wrong. I was merely trying to get a clear answer to your question, which I got.

Then there's really nothing else to discuss here. Why are you still arguing?



Well, I'm kinda sad because I like to use the filters in the Weekly Charts. But I'd gladly exchange that feature for more accurate numbers, specially in the software department.

I may pay for the Standard subscription, but I'd like if we can pay it monthly and not annually.

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