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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you think these games will end up being multiplat?


Do you think these games will end up being multiplat?

Yes all of them will 9 12.86%
No they wont 21 30.00%
Just Mass effect 15 21.43%
Just Agent 6 8.57%
Just FF13vs 7 10.00%
Just Splinter cell conviction 12 17.14%

Why is Agent exclusive? seems like a no brainer considering the sales of GTA.

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gimmickyWii said:
Why is Agent exclusive? seems like a no brainer considering the sales of GTA.

yeah but i still suspect theres more to it than just historical ties or the benefits of the exclusive label..maybe Rockstar & Sony had a special agreement

Agent and Splinter Cell were obviously paid for, and they'll probably just be timed exclusive. There's no reason not to port them, so they'll go the way of Bioshock, Tales of Vesperia, etc. before them. Hell, we've already seen a Splinter Cell game on the ps3.

Mass Effect and Versus I'm not so sure about. I'm not sure how involved MS is with Mass Effect at this point, and if Versus was going multiplat, I'd think they would've announced it by now. They had no qualms announcing FFXIII as multiplat, which leads me to believe there's something else going on behind scenes.

Mass Effect - Maybe

Agent - No

Versus XIII - No

Splinter Cell - Yes

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Is Agent being funded by Sony?

gimmickyWii said:
yeah but i still suspect theres more to it than just historical ties or the benefits of the exclusive label..maybe Rockstar & Sony had a special agreement

Well Rockstarr also said they wanted to create a game using all of the PS3's power without space limitations. Just remember for open world sandbox games there best shipped on 1 disc. You wouldn't want to play a sandbox game where as your driving to another part of the open world you need to swap discs and then swap discs back again upon returning.

probably none.

I mostly play RTS and Moba style games now adays as well as ALOT of benchmarking. I do play other games however such as the witcher 3 and Crysis 3, and recently Ashes of the Singularity. I love gaming on the cutting edge and refuse to accept any compromises. Proud member of the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race. Long Live SHIO!!!! 

Agent - I doubt it consider Sony made a deal with 2k but again who knows.

Mass effect - Personally i think this has more chance of going to ps3 than Versus 13 going multi after all its Ea.

Versus 13 - Unless they announce it at E3 i don´t think so.

Splinter cell conviction - I doubt Ubisoft has ignored the sales coming from AC1 and AC2 which means it could be timed exclusive.


geddesmond2 said:
gimmickyWii said:
yeah but i still suspect theres more to it than just historical ties or the benefits of the exclusive label..maybe Rockstar & Sony had a special agreement

Well Rockstarr also said they wanted to create a game using all of the PS3's power without space limitations. Just remember for open world sandbox games there best shipped on 1 disc. You wouldn't want to play a sandbox game where as your driving to another part of the open world you need to swap discs and then swap discs back again upon returning.

so they would create a Super GTA IV which will require a huge investment, that is LIKELY to have a return of invertment lower than that if it was released on both consoles with normal gta iv level development..hmmm

dont get me wrong, exclusives can be great for us gamers, i just want to know the real reason behind the exclusiveness of AGENT.