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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!

Zim said:
kopstudent89 said:
Tridrakious said:
Zim said:
Tridrakious said:
How popular is Hatsune Miku in Japan? Could this be a bigger title than Persona 4 was?

It's reasonably popular (well not with the wider population but it has a certain type of fan). It could be bigger than Persona 4 however it's hard to say. The last two games on PSP opened to 185k and 226k. However it is of course difficult to predict how being on Vita will affect it. Well actually I guess we know it will open lower but not by how much. The game is also getting a release on PS3 but not until 2013 so again it's hard to say how much that will affect things. 

In general Miku fans are ridiculously dedicated (Unsurprisingly there is a big overlap between Miku fans and otaku). So the game should easily debut to a minimum of 100k. It has a good chance of beating Persona 4's opening I would say especially since there is a limited edition Miku Vita, but again it's very hard to know how being on Vita and being multiplatform at a later date will affect it. 

So yea definitely a 100k opener and should beat out Persona's first week unless the PS3 version is a big deterrent. 

Okay, interesting. I feel very invested in the Vita. Not really sure why, but I just really want to see this platform go on to become the greatest performing handheld of all time. Anyway, I hope this game does well. Looks like it won't top Persona 4 though. At least based on the current trend in numbers.

TBH objectively speaking, I can't see the Vita living up to your expectations. First of all, it has had the worst start in the history of handhelds, and doesn't seem like it will catch up later on.

Second, the PSP rode the success of MH in Japan (which culminated in many other games), and the huge early hype in the west. It now lacks both. Like the 3DS the Vita won't be huge in the west unless something extraordinary happens. Nintendo at least has a few big handheld games up its sleeve (NSMB, Pokemon, MH4), Vita doesn't have that yet.

Third, iPhone/iPad/Smartphones have stolen a bit of the handheld mojo. Is it possible to regain it? Yes, if handhelds offer something different, unfortunately the Vita isn't doing that right now! Even 3DS is struggling in that regard.

Fourth, apart from Japan, the PSP ended on a really bad note. And even in Japan, the revival was mostly due to Monster Hunter which it has lost out to the 3DS. With a really small user base, games won't release for Vita till much much later on. Yes it does desperately need a price cut, but it also needs much much more. 3DS had more promise, more "future games" and it did deliver MK and SM3D Land in the holidays. The Vita is really not offering much. Hatsune Miku is a good hit, but it's not the breakout hit for Vita, it's  not what MH was to the PSP. And right now PSV needs one to get out of this slump. 

That said, the PSP got out of its slump in Japan with the unexpected hit of Monster Hunter, so maybe it can do it again. But like I said, it needs to hit the million mark soon so that developers can look at it as a viable platform

Well it hasn't had the worst start in the history of handhelds. There are some that are far worse lol. 

However on pretty much every other point you are right. Even though it isn't the worst start ever it is a terrible start in terms of sales and developers will take note. 

The lack of exclusivity for MH is definitely going to hurt. The Vita desperately needs another break out hit. It's looking like it will have to come from a Western developer too which sadly this generation it seems like portables in the West aren't going to be anywhere near as popular so that will be hard to get. Likewise the total lack of big announcements for the future in Japan is very worrying. We always knew what big titles were coming with the 3DS. With the Vita we so far really only know about FFX which is also on PS3, which dilutes it quite a bit.

On smart phones etc yes. I think some people go too far with doom and some too optimistic. I think people need to consider that the DS/PSP generation was a freak event. 220m handhelds sold? When in general previous generations had been around the 80-120million mark. With a huge part of that 100million or so increase coming from casual gamers who are now happy with smart phones. The DS and PSP simply existed at the perfect time for handhelds and managed to be different enough to go after separate markets.

Yup in the west the PSP ended on a dreadful note. It was pretty much totally absent from software charts for years. 

Also like you say the Vita could still have an unexpected breakout hit. The problem is though it lacks wide appealing games. Something like Monster Hunter caught on with millions of people. Whereas Gundam Battle, Hatsune Miku, Persona 4 etc are always going to have their set markets. There is no chance they explode into million sellers. Most insane of all is that with Soul Sacrifice Sony seemed to try and create a game purposefully built to avoid mass market appeal. Making it very dark in style makes it hard to appeal to millions. 

So yea good points kopstudent. And to Tridrakious I think you have to accept to Vita is simply not going to be the greatest performing handheld of all time. The 150million+ the original DS managed is totally out of range. Even beating the 3DS is nigh on impossible given it's head start and the guaranteed million sellers like Mario, Pokemon etc. Also though don't count Hatsune Miku out of beating Persona 4 though. Keep in mind that COMG is actually quite a small chain and isn't 100% reflective of a games performance. 

I totally forgot about the wonderswan and the others :P Wooops. But well at least in comparison to GB/GBA/DS/3DS/PSP it is veery slow. 

And wow, Pokemon numbers are off the charts! 1.16 mil preorders! How much did B/W get? 

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Ok I checked, Final preorders for B/W was at 1.7 mil. 1.17 is an amazing number then! Probably 1.5 mil+ FW. INSANE!!

menx64 said:
PhantomLink said:

Retagging or how much I want DQX to fail

Pls watch this video and then tell me again that you want such an amazing game to flop...


I watched that video after the Nintendo Direct and then I posted in this thread

Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?

Sorry guys I'm not at home right now and for the next week so I won't be able to update :(

So see y'all in a week!

I like the DQXs multiplayer aproach, i would buy it if released around here...

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Boutros said:
Sorry guys I'm not at home right now and for the next week so I won't be able to update :(

So see y'all in a week!

I'll do my best, but no tables people!! 

“No he contado ni la mitad de lo que vi...” Marco Polo

SpaceCowboy said:

oh yesterday's charts weren't posted O_o and yeah you do it :P

What the heck? Pokemon doing negative in Japan?!?! Madness I tell you!

Days left Persona 4: The Golden Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F Net Diference
74 34 23 11 (P4G)
73 35 23 12 (P4G)
72 37 23  14 (P4G)
71 42 25
17 (P4G)
70 46  26 20 (P4G)
69 48  26  22 (P4G)
68 50  26 24 (P4G)
67 55    
66 55    
65 58    
64 58    
63 59    
62 59    
61 63    
60 66    

No yesterday chart, so i suppose its -2 days, not -1day on 23/06