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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!

New rank is up and Pokemon hasn't moved.

Comg must have stop taken pre-orders due to stock. Only possible reason.


Etrian Oddysey  +1

Hatsune Miku + 2

Around the Network

Days left Persona 4: The Golden Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F Net Diference
74 34 23 11 (P4G)
73 35 23 12 (P4G)
72 37 23  14 (P4G)
71 42 25
17 (P4G)
70 46    
69 48    
68 50    
67 55    
66 55    
65 58    
64 58    
63 59    
62 59    
61 63    
60 66    

Btw Pokemon stopped, probably cuz Nintendo just send a limited amount of units to store, less than they through was going to be necessary.

Never thought this Run for money tousoshou game could enter the charts... well good, I guess

It looks like they've stopped taking preorders for Pokemon.

Around the Network

It's nice to see Final Fantasy Versus 13 is on the list

Seriously what's wrong with DQ, it was doin 2-4 points a day 10 days ago. But since COMG numbers stopped temporarily till now, it has only gained 4 points.. WTF?

How popular is Hatsune Miku in Japan? Could this be a bigger title than Persona 4 was?

Tridrakious said:
How popular is Hatsune Miku in Japan? Could this be a bigger title than Persona 4 was?

It's reasonably popular (well not with the wider population but it has a certain type of fan). It could be bigger than Persona 4 however it's hard to say. The last two games on PSP opened to 185k and 226k. However it is of course difficult to predict how being on Vita will affect it. Well actually I guess we know it will open lower but not by how much. The game is also getting a release on PS3 but not until 2013 so again it's hard to say how much that will affect things. 

In general Miku fans are ridiculously dedicated (Unsurprisingly there is a big overlap between Miku fans and otaku). So the game should easily debut to a minimum of 100k. It has a good chance of beating Persona 4's opening I would say especially since there is a limited edition Miku Vita, but again it's very hard to know how being on Vita and being multiplatform at a later date will affect it. 

So yea definitely a 100k opener and should beat out Persona's first week unless the PS3 version is a big deterrent. 

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

NobleTeam360 said:
It's nice to see Final Fantasy Versus 13 is on the list

For some its just getting annoying, it's been on the list since...forever.