Yes, Xenogears was almost a million seller. Seiken Densetsu 2, SaGa Frontier, Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon or Arc the Lad were million sellers too. What do these games have in common? their franchises are dead.
Yes, Xenogears was almost a million seller. Seiken Densetsu 2, SaGa Frontier, Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon or Arc the Lad were million sellers too. What do these games have in common? their franchises are dead.
Bruno Muñoz B said: @darthdevidem01 Yes, Xenogears was almost a million seller. Seiken Densetsu 2, SaGa Frontier, Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon or Arc the Lad were million sellers too. What do these games have in common? their franchises are dead. |
But Xeno the franchise isn't dead though, xenoblade has the word xeno in it that has to mean something!
Report all the members on this site to the mods too, we are all annoyed of the way you write posts, the mods won't ban people for expressing their anger at the way you type, it doesn't matter if its school or not, its just good practise!
WKC2 outselling Xenoblade is almost a sure thing imo.
It is very complicated to extrapole these preorders into sales.
- Super Robot Wars OG Saga left the charts with 105pt, these 105 pt were translated into 65.000 units for its first day.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 313pt (143,000 units)
Average between these two titles (208,000 units: 418pt) = 498 units for each pt.
Xenoblade (30pt) = 15,000 units first day.
In order to have a decent opening it will have to match the same preorders Super Robot Wars OG Saga had. I see it highly unlikely. Right now my best case scenario for Xenoblade is around 70pt - 80pt (35.000 - 40.000 units first day / 50,000 - 60,000 first week).
1. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - 504pt (+8)
2. [PSP] Hatsune Miku-Project DIVA-2nd - 156pt (+3)
3. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 - 97pt
4. [PSP] Fate/Extra (Limited Edition) - 90pt
5. [360] Monster Hunter Frontier Online - 85pt (+2)
6. [NDS] Harvest Moon: Twin Villages - 85p
7. [PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII - 73pt
8. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3 World Challenge! Bomber - 57pt
9. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3 World Challenge! Spark - 52pt (+1)
10. [PS3] Sengoku Basara 3 - 51pt
11. [PS3] Another Century: Episode R - 46pt (+5)
12. [PS3] Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes from Liberty City - 46pt (+3)
13. [NDS] Love Plus + - 36pt (+2)
14. [Wii] Xenoblade - 34pt (+4)
15. [PS3] BlazBlue Continuum Shift (Limited Edition) - 34pt
16. [PSP] Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airu Village - 32pt
17. [NDS] Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side Story 3rd - 29pt
18. [PS3] White Knight Chronicles 2 - 28pt (+2)
19. [Wii] Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road Victory - 24pt (+1)
20. [PSP] Portable Fairy Guild - 24pt
NDS - 5
PS3 - 7
PSP - 5
Wii - 2
360 - 1
PS2 - 0
Good xenoblade rises by 4 points!!
AkibaFan said: dude why u hve to persnally insult me by seying i dnt write properly, if u do it agen i will report to mods, i will type hw i wnt to, this isnt skool, its internet wher i cn type how i wnt. |
He didn't insult you. Your spelling makes your posts incomprehensible most of the time. Personally I just skip over them rather than trying to figure out which vowels you felt are not needed for certain words. No one expects perfect spelling, but unless you make it so people can at least guess what you are trying to say then you are going to have to deal with the backlash.
I think one of those games is mislabeled. Unless Monster Hunter Frontier was announced for the DS and I completely missed it which is possible.
Gnizmo said:
He didn't insult you. Your spelling makes your posts incomprehensible most of the time. Personally I just skip over them rather than trying to figure out which vowels you felt are not needed for certain words. No one expects perfect spelling, but unless you make it so people can at least guess what you are trying to say then you are going to have to deal with the backlash. @Darth |
Your correct, The game switched places from last time or a game before it did so while swithcing games I obviously forgot to change the console label, its for xbox 360. Surprisingly the DS doesn't have a MH game yet..hmmm
I cant believe Versus XIII is available to preorder on Comgnet but Pokemon Black/White dont
MANUELF said: I cant believe Versus XIII is available to preorder on Comgnet but Pokemon Black/White dont |
Remember VErsus has had 4 YEARS to get 72 points.
Pokemon Black/White just got announced recently.
MGS Peace Walker has awesome legs and sales. nice =)
the best RPG's are coming 2013 !!!! oh my god, this is perfect for RPG-GAMER = ) Ni No Kuni - 25 january, Time and Eternity, tales of xillia (PS3) and the maybe best game ever: metal gear solid ground zero