I wonder if Toukiden being the vita version today is an error or they are relly that close
OMG Toukiden is going to sell on Vita as much as PSP... hopefully
Is there still gunna be a new thread made? if so when?? I wanna hit first page.
pokoko said: How is Toukiden going to sale compared to Soul Sacrifice? I know it's on PSP and Vita both, but will it reach any degree of popularity? The Witch and the Hundred Knights will be my own personal Luigi. You guys better hope it doesn't catch on, cause you'll get a lot of "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL Metallica" posts from me. |
Soul Sacrifice ended up with 40 points on here, and opened with 112k. By all signs, Toukiden with 14 points & 51 days to go will end up pretty well!
But more seriously, Soul Sacrifice also had 2 SKU's and a bundle. Toukiden showing up is a good start. It'll probably be bought by some Dynasty Warriors fans and those kind of people who bought Ragnarok Odyssey & Lord of Apocalpyse. Maybe it'll sell alright-ish.
Toukiden will obviously sell much more on Vita.
Thanks to the bundle with a beautiful new vita model.
Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:
PS4: 17m XB1: 10m WiiU: 10m Vita: 10m
Come on guys, Boutros has already been kind enough to agree to the new thread. He will be making it and updating it, just be patient.
The new thread will be up for the Saturday update because a psychopathic thread locker moderator is forcing me to!
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