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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!

trestres said:

RE5 Gold Edition will be bundled with the Move and the PSEye, so I guess sales will be good.

PSMove isn't a game, but it will influence Japanese sales, as long as it's not a tragic bomb, the starter pack though will probably sell more than 200k, again if Move isn't a failure.

I thnik both Front Mission and Mindjack can reach respectable sales (100k or more) Mainly because they are SE games and most recently western games published by SE have been having good performances, I think the PS3 has a big enough western games hungry userbase for it to happen, same with RDR.

I wouldn't dismiss EyePet that fast, as it's another way to purchase the PSEye users have and it will probably work like Wii Play or WSR, of course with much lower sales, but 100k will prbably be an easy goal for it.

About the rest you are probably right, they will fall short of 100k. As for Deca Sports 3 and Family Trainer, like you said, the sequels have sold way less than the originals, and this time they will sell probably even worse.

RE5 one of like 3 Move/Eye bundles though.  And the only one of a previously released game, that's already been released twice, and already collectively sold like 750k.  That's why I chiefly see it not doing all that much, almost anyone who wants it already has it.  Besides, it's not really a 'new' release, and if we want to go down that road, something like Wii Party will probably sell dramatically more in Move's first several weeks.

Front Mission will be lucky to break 50k imo, the franchise is already on life support.  FM2089 on DS totally bombed, and FM1st DS didn't do all that hot either... and those were actually SRPGs, by the original team and not some outsourced western dev house.  I just don't see things going well for Evolved in Japan.   And Mindjack is a shooter, from feelplus, a company who's never had a game pass 100k.  Just because some western games took off in Japan, doesn't man these will.  And if you look at the western games that did (GTA4, COD4, Oblivion, etc), ask yourself how well they did in the west, then how well do you expect Evolved and Mindjack to do in the west... these things aren't exactly unrelated...

I did overlook Eyepet though, that's one I could see taking off if handled right.

Around the Network
jarrod said:
trestres said:

RE5 Gold Edition will be bundled with the Move and the PSEye, so I guess sales will be good.

PSMove isn't a game, but it will influence Japanese sales, as long as it's not a tragic bomb, the starter pack though will probably sell more than 200k, again if Move isn't a failure.

I thnik both Front Mission and Mindjack can reach respectable sales (100k or more) Mainly because they are SE games and most recently western games published by SE have been having good performances, I think the PS3 has a big enough western games hungry userbase for it to happen, same with RDR.

I wouldn't dismiss EyePet that fast, as it's another way to purchase the PSEye users have and it will probably work like Wii Play or WSR, of course with much lower sales, but 100k will prbably be an easy goal for it.

About the rest you are probably right, they will fall short of 100k. As for Deca Sports 3 and Family Trainer, like you said, the sequels have sold way less than the originals, and this time they will sell probably even worse.

RE5 one of like 3 Move/Eye bundles though.  And the only one of a previously released game, that's already been released twice, and already collectively sold like 750k.  That's why I chiefly see it not doing all that much, almost anyone who wants it already has it.  Besides, it's not really a 'new' release, and if we want to go down that road, something like Wii Party will probably sell dramatically more in Move's first several weeks.

Front Mission will be lucky to break 50k imo, the franchise is already on life support.  FM2089 on DS totally bombed, and FM1st DS didn't do all that hot either... and those were actually SRPGs, by the original team and not some outsourced western dev house.  I just don't see things going well for Evolved in Japan.   And Mindjack is a shooter, from feelplus, a company who's never had a game pass 100k.  Just because some western games took off in Japan, doesn't man these will.  And if you look at the western games that did (GTA4, COD4, Oblivion, etc), ask yourself how well they did in the west, then how well do you expect Evolved and Mindjack to do in the west... these things aren't exactly unrelated...

I did overlook Eyepet though, that's one I could see taking off if handled right.

Yes, I agree now with most of it. I've made a list of upcoming games from 3rd party Japanese publishers exclusively. Feel free to give me your opinion, they are in order of sales potential (the 100k plus sellers only, the others nah). I will keep that one updated as well as I can. I might be missing some games though and some publishers may not be correct.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

trestres said:
jarrod said:
trestres said:

RE5 Gold Edition will be bundled with the Move and the PSEye, so I guess sales will be good.

PSMove isn't a game, but it will influence Japanese sales, as long as it's not a tragic bomb, the starter pack though will probably sell more than 200k, again if Move isn't a failure.

I thnik both Front Mission and Mindjack can reach respectable sales (100k or more) Mainly because they are SE games and most recently western games published by SE have been having good performances, I think the PS3 has a big enough western games hungry userbase for it to happen, same with RDR.

I wouldn't dismiss EyePet that fast, as it's another way to purchase the PSEye users have and it will probably work like Wii Play or WSR, of course with much lower sales, but 100k will prbably be an easy goal for it.

About the rest you are probably right, they will fall short of 100k. As for Deca Sports 3 and Family Trainer, like you said, the sequels have sold way less than the originals, and this time they will sell probably even worse.

RE5 one of like 3 Move/Eye bundles though.  And the only one of a previously released game, that's already been released twice, and already collectively sold like 750k.  That's why I chiefly see it not doing all that much, almost anyone who wants it already has it.  Besides, it's not really a 'new' release, and if we want to go down that road, something like Wii Party will probably sell dramatically more in Move's first several weeks.

Front Mission will be lucky to break 50k imo, the franchise is already on life support.  FM2089 on DS totally bombed, and FM1st DS didn't do all that hot either... and those were actually SRPGs, by the original team and not some outsourced western dev house.  I just don't see things going well for Evolved in Japan.   And Mindjack is a shooter, from feelplus, a company who's never had a game pass 100k.  Just because some western games took off in Japan, doesn't man these will.  And if you look at the western games that did (GTA4, COD4, Oblivion, etc), ask yourself how well they did in the west, then how well do you expect Evolved and Mindjack to do in the west... these things aren't exactly unrelated...

I did overlook Eyepet though, that's one I could see taking off if handled right.

Yes, I agree now with most of it. I've made a list of upcoming games from 3rd party Japanese publishers exclusively. Feel free to give me your opinion, they are in order of sales potential (the 100k plus sellers only, the others nah). I will keep that one updated as well as I can. I might be missing some games though and some publishers may not be correct.

I'd include a 3rd "maybe 100k" category for stuff that could really go either way, and put the following in there...

PlayStation 3

  • Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (Capcom) TVC did under 100k, SF4 barely exceeded 100k
  • Disgaea 4 (Nippon Ichi Software) Disgaea 3 did under 100k
  • Dead Rising 2 (Capcom) Dead Rising 1 did under 100k (albeit on 360), developed by filthy gaijun
  • Trinity Zill O'll Zero (Tecmo-Koei) Zill O'll PSP did under 100k
  • Dragon Ball Z: Raging Blast 2 (Namco-Bandai) DBZRB1 baredly exceeded 100k
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (Namco-Bandai) Naruto UNS1 did under 100k, now multiplatform
  • Vanquish (Sega) Bayonetta did over 100k, Mikami's rep is pretty good
  • Time Crisis: Razing Storm (Namco-Bandai) Move/Eye bundle may push it
  • Red Dead Revolver (Rockstar Games) just confirmed for Japan, maybe appeal to GTA market 


  • Earth Seeker (Kadowkawa Shoten) First MoHun clone on Wii, huge Famitsu push guaranteed
Also, Tekken 7, and next year's Power Pro and Pro Baseball Spirits games haven't been confirmed for any platform yet.  Well, a new Power Pro was confirmed for 3DS, but that's it so far. :/

jarrod said:
trestres said:
jarrod said:
trestres said:

RE5 Gold Edition will be bundled with the Move and the PSEye, so I guess sales will be good.

PSMove isn't a game, but it will influence Japanese sales, as long as it's not a tragic bomb, the starter pack though will probably sell more than 200k, again if Move isn't a failure.

I thnik both Front Mission and Mindjack can reach respectable sales (100k or more) Mainly because they are SE games and most recently western games published by SE have been having good performances, I think the PS3 has a big enough western games hungry userbase for it to happen, same with RDR.

I wouldn't dismiss EyePet that fast, as it's another way to purchase the PSEye users have and it will probably work like Wii Play or WSR, of course with much lower sales, but 100k will prbably be an easy goal for it.

About the rest you are probably right, they will fall short of 100k. As for Deca Sports 3 and Family Trainer, like you said, the sequels have sold way less than the originals, and this time they will sell probably even worse.

RE5 one of like 3 Move/Eye bundles though.  And the only one of a previously released game, that's already been released twice, and already collectively sold like 750k.  That's why I chiefly see it not doing all that much, almost anyone who wants it already has it.  Besides, it's not really a 'new' release, and if we want to go down that road, something like Wii Party will probably sell dramatically more in Move's first several weeks.

Front Mission will be lucky to break 50k imo, the franchise is already on life support.  FM2089 on DS totally bombed, and FM1st DS didn't do all that hot either... and those were actually SRPGs, by the original team and not some outsourced western dev house.  I just don't see things going well for Evolved in Japan.   And Mindjack is a shooter, from feelplus, a company who's never had a game pass 100k.  Just because some western games took off in Japan, doesn't man these will.  And if you look at the western games that did (GTA4, COD4, Oblivion, etc), ask yourself how well they did in the west, then how well do you expect Evolved and Mindjack to do in the west... these things aren't exactly unrelated...

I did overlook Eyepet though, that's one I could see taking off if handled right.

Yes, I agree now with most of it. I've made a list of upcoming games from 3rd party Japanese publishers exclusively. Feel free to give me your opinion, they are in order of sales potential (the 100k plus sellers only, the others nah). I will keep that one updated as well as I can. I might be missing some games though and some publishers may not be correct.

I'd include a 3rd "maybe 100k" category for stuff that could really go either way, and put the following in there...

PlayStation 3

  • Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (Capcom) TVC did under 100k, SF4 barely exceeded 100k
  • Disgaea 4 (Nippon Ichi Software) Disgaea 3 did under 100k
  • Dead Rising 2 (Capcom) Dead Rising 1 did under 100k (albeit on 360), developed by filthy gaijun
  • Trinity Zill O'll Zero (Tecmo-Koei) Zill O'll PSP did under 100k
  • Dragon Ball Z: Raging Blast 2 (Namco-Bandai) DBZRB1 baredly exceeded 100k
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (Namco-Bandai) Naruto UNS1 did under 100k, now multiplatform
  • Vanquish (Sega) Bayonetta did over 100k, Mikami's rep is pretty good
  • Time Crisis: Razing Storm (Namco-Bandai) Move/Eye bundle may push it
  • Red Dead Revolver (Rockstar Games) just confirmed for Japan, maybe appeal to GTA market 



  • Earth Seeker (Kadowkawa Shoten) First MoHun clone on Wii, huge Famitsu push guaranteed
Also, Tekken 7, and next year's Power Pro and Pro Baseball Spirits games haven't been confirmed for any platform yet.  Well, a new Power Pro was confirmed for 3DS, but that's it so far. :/

VGC has Disgaea 3 at 110k, Tat vs Cap at 100k (Wii), SF4 at 140k, SSF4 at 150k, DB: Raging Blast at 110k, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 at >90k, Dead Rising at >80k (on 360). Trinity might go either way (60k on PSP >100k on PS).

Vanquish seems doubtful, but I agree Mikami has a good reputation. RDR should sell decently, Time Crisis could do it, but the bundle is too expensive IMO. Earth Seeker may not do it, I don't think it will go over Xenoblade's sales.

Tekken 7 was already announced to be in development by Namco this year if I'm not mistaken. The Basseball games will undoubtedly still appear on PS3 next year considering the sales of this years iterations, no way Konami will only make 3DS versions considering how much they milk their franchises, but Wii versions will probably not be made anymore.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies


01. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - 920 pt (5)
02. [NDS] Pokemon Black - 595 pt (56)
03. [NDS] Pokemon White - 512pt (38)
04. [PS3] Another Century Episode: R - 291pt (7)
05. [PSP] Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airu Village - 149pt (6)
06. [PSP] K! Live After School!! - 126pt (5)
[PS3] Gran Turismo 5 - 106pt
[PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII - 73pt
09. [PSP] Black Panther: Yakuza New Chapter - 38pt (3)
10. [PSP] Ace Combat X2: Joint Assault - 33pt (1)
11. [
PS3] Super Dimension Game: Neptune (Limited Edition) - 27pt (2)
[NDS] Okamiden - 27pt (3)
[PS3] Metal Gear Solid: Rising - 22pt
14. [PSP] Durarara!! 3-Way Standoff (Limited Edition) - 21pt
15. [NDS] One Piece Gigant Battle - 21pt (1)
16. [PSP] Portable Hakuouki Essays (Limited Edition) - 19pt
17. [PSP] Super Dimension Game: Neptune (Limited Edition) - ??pt
18. [PSP] Goddoita burst (Append Edition) - 16pt
19. [PSP] Portable Hakuouki Essays (Limited Edition) - 16pt
20. [PSP] koihime true visionary Three Kingdoms ~~☆ 繚乱 蜀編  girl- 14pt

PSP ---> 10
PS3 ---> 5
NDS ---> 4
Wii ---> 0
360 ---> 0
PS2 ---> 0

Around the Network

Pokemon growing so strong!!!!! and at this ratio, to overtake mh portable 3rd individually

trestres said:

VGC has Disgaea 3 at 110k, Tat vs Cap at 100k (Wii), SF4 at 140k, SSF4 at 150k, DB: Raging Blast at 110k, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 at >90k, Dead Rising at >80k (on 360). Trinity might go either way (60k on PSP >100k on PS).

Vanquish seems doubtful, but I agree Mikami has a good reputation. RDR should sell decently, Time Crisis could do it, but the bundle is too expensive IMO. Earth Seeker may not do it, I don't think it will go over Xenoblade's sales.

Tekken 7 was already announced to be in development by Namco this year if I'm not mistaken. The Basseball games will undoubtedly still appear on PS3 next year considering the sales of this years iterations, no way Konami will only make 3DS versions considering how much they milk their franchises, but Wii versions will probably not be made anymore.

I was going off Famitsu sales, but the differences really aren't all that huge.  

Tekken 7 was said to be in the works, but no platforms were mentioned.  If you're going to go into likelihoods of releases though, Momotaru Denetsu and Taiko no Tatsujin are sure bets for Wii this year, given their huge sales last year.  Both far outsold every baseball game on PS3 so far.

Wii never had Pro Baseball Spirits (360 did though), but I think skipping out on Power Pro is disappointing.  Previous PowerPros did decently on Wii (70-110k) and that was up against simultaneous PS2 versions even.  Seems like a missed opportunity, especially since they could've incorporated Motion Plus support now as a selling point.


01. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - 934 pt (14)
02. [NDS] Pokemon Black - 671 pt (76)
03. [NDS] Pokemon White - 574pt (62)
04. [PS3] Another Century Episode: R - 300pt (9)
05. [PSP] Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airu Village - 158pt (9)
06. [PSP] K! Live After School!! - 132pt (7)
[PS3] Gran Turismo 5 - 106pt
[PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII - 73pt
09. [PSP] Black Panther: Yakuza New Chapter - 39pt (1)
10. [PSP] Ace Combat X2: Joint Assault - 34pt (1)
11. [
PS3] Super Dimension Game: Neptune (Limited Edition) - 27pt
[NDS] Okamiden - 29pt (2)
13. [NDS] One Piece Gigant Battle - 26pt (5)
14. [PS3] Metal Gear Solid: Rising - 22pt
15. [PSP] Durarara!! 3-Way Standoff (Limited Edition) - 21pt
16. [PSP] Portable Hakuouki Essays (Limited Edition) - 19pt
17. [PSP] Goddoita burst (Append Edition) - 19pt (3)
18. [PS3] Super Dimension Game: Neptune (Limited Edition) - 18pt
19. [PSP] Portable Hakuouki Essays (Limited Edition) - 16pt
20. [PSP] Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono - 13pt

PSP ---> 10
PS3 ---> 6
NDS ---> 4
Wii ---> 0
360 ---> 0
PS2 ---> 0



02. [NDS] Pokemon Black - 671 pt (76)
03. [NDS] Pokemon White - 574pt (62)

13. [NDS] One Piece Gigant Battle - 26pt (5)

NDS ---> 3

The games I'm interested are doing very good

Crazy Pokemon increases. ACE:R will likely end around 400 points. It will probably outsell the previous 3 games in it's first week.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4