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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!

Avatar0319 said:


Pokemon Black/White – 18th september 2010;

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd – TBA 2010; 

Well, I think in the end, when Capcom announce the release date, MHP3 will destory Pokemon in preorders. 

wishfull thinking.

Talk to you after a month

Around the Network
morenoingrato said:
Avatar0319 said:


Pokemon Black/White – 18th september 2010;

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd – TBA 2010; 

Well, I think in the end, when Capcom announce the release date, MHP3 will destory Pokemon in preorders. 

wishfull thinking.

Talk to you after a month

When Pokemon preorders will double MHP3 ones?

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Xenoblade (Wii), Super mario 3D land (3DS), Guild Wars (PC)


Buzzi said:
morenoingrato said:
Avatar0319 said:


Pokemon Black/White – 18th september 2010;

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd – TBA 2010; 

Well, I think in the end, when Capcom announce the release date, MHP3 will destory Pokemon in preorders. 

wishfull thinking.

Talk to you after a month

When Pokemon preorders will double MHP3 ones?

yup ^_^

trestres said:
jarrod said:
trestres said:

I don't think we will be seeing any Wii game there for a long time now. It's getting only 5 new games in the next three months, and none of them is relevant besides Metroid: Other M, which isn't that big in Japan either.

PS3 on the other hand is getting 33 new releases (5 are re-releases though), so we shall be seeing an infulx of PS3 games in the near future.

360 has nothing relevant besides Reach.

Kirby's "fall" in Japan, so it should release before October... and honestly, Kirby will probably outsell every PS3 game on the list.  Nintendo's lineup should become clearer after their fall conference, likely just after TGS.  Remember, games like Wii Party and DQMBRV were only announced less than 3 months before they hit shelves.

Also, Wii has six new games scheduled so far (Tetris Party Premium, Twinkle Queen, Metroid OM, Deca Sports 3, NMH2, Active Life Explorer), and 3 reprints (Okami, RE4, REUC).  None will be big sellers though, Metroid's the only with a chance to break 200k imo (or even 100k, lol).  PS3 has 31 new games for the same period, but over half are western titles (like Madden, RDR, Singularity, etc), one's an online upgrade pack (for Nobunga no Yabou) and the only potential 200k plus seller in the mix is probably ACE R.  PS3 should fill out more too though, I'd expect GT5 in October.  360 has 23 new games in the same period, again about half being western and one online upgrade pack (for Monster Hunter Frontier).  No potential 200k sellers there though.

I was basing myself off dengeki for the releases, perhaps they are missing some, but clearly the Wii line-up is depressing, 6 games in 3 months with none being relevant... (When is Deca Sports 3 coming out?)

PS3 has some potentially big selleres (more than 200k) until the end of October, like ACE:R, PS Move and Macross Trial Frontier (bundled with the movie).
Dead Rising 2, RE5 Gold Edition, Front Mission Evolved, Mindjack, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and some of the Move games should all sell in the 100k-200k range.
There's some games that are wildcards like Neptune, Trinity Zill O'll, Class of Heroes 3, Quantum Theory, Red Dead Redemption, EyePet, Vanquish and Agarest Senki 2. They could reach 100k sold.

For the Wii I only have Metroid: Other M selling an upwards of 200k, the rest is too small, NMH2 has the distant chance of selling well, but I won't bet on that happening. As for Kirby, Fall ends in December, so it could easily be a Nov/Dec title.

PS Move isn't a game and no Macross game has sold over 200k since the mid 1990s on SFC/PS1/Saturn.  If Trial Frontier does it, it's more likely because it's really a BD film packed with the game as a bonus. As is, I'm guessing more like 150k.  Even the hyped up Sega AM2 developed Macross failed to pass 100k on PS2 btw.

I think Naruto may pass 100k combined, but it's predecessor (which was PS3 exclusive) only did 84k.  I think Zill O'll might pass 100k too (it did on PS1 iirc, didn't on PSP), (big) maybes for Vanquish, DR2 and RDR (might appeal to the GTA/COD crowd), but none of the others have any chance at it.  RE5 Gold came out six months ago and already sold ~250k, it's not doing 100k more.

It's worth pointing out that the original Deca Sports sold over 200k, and Family Trainer did over 100k.  Their sequels bombed though, so I'm guessing the threequels will too.


01. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - 915 pt (3)
02. [NDS] Pokemon Black - 539 pt (43)
03. [NDS] Pokemon White - 474pt (32)
04. [PS3] Another Century Episode: R - 284pt (7)
05. [PSP] Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X - 191pt (3)
06. [PSP] Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airu Village - 143pt (2)
07. [PSP] K! Live After School!! - 121pt (4)
[PS3] Gran Turismo 5 - 106pt
09. [NDS] Battle Spirits: Digital Starter - 98pt
[PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII - 73pt
11. [PSP] Black Panther: Yakuza New Chapter - 35pt
12. [PSP] Ace Combat X2: Joint Assault - 32pt
[PSP] Storm Lover (First Production Version) - 28pt
14. [
PS3] Super Dimension Game: Neptune (Limited Edition) - 25pt (1)
[NDS] Okamiden - 24pt
[PS3] Metal Gear Solid: Rising - 22pt
[NDS] Hatokyatchipurikyua! Fashion Collection - 22pt (1)
18. [PSP] Durarara!! 3-Way Standoff (Limited Edition) - 21pt
19. [NDS] One Piece Gigant Battle - 20pt (1)
20. [PSP] Portable Hakuouki Essays (Limited Edition) - 19pt

PSP ---> 9
NDS ---> 6
PS3 ---> 5
Wii ---> 0
360 ---> 0
PS2 ---> 0

Around the Network
jarrod said:
trestres said:
jarrod said:
trestres said:

I don't think we will be seeing any Wii game there for a long time now. It's getting only 5 new games in the next three months, and none of them is relevant besides Metroid: Other M, which isn't that big in Japan either.

PS3 on the other hand is getting 33 new releases (5 are re-releases though), so we shall be seeing an infulx of PS3 games in the near future.

360 has nothing relevant besides Reach.

Kirby's "fall" in Japan, so it should release before October... and honestly, Kirby will probably outsell every PS3 game on the list.  Nintendo's lineup should become clearer after their fall conference, likely just after TGS.  Remember, games like Wii Party and DQMBRV were only announced less than 3 months before they hit shelves.

Also, Wii has six new games scheduled so far (Tetris Party Premium, Twinkle Queen, Metroid OM, Deca Sports 3, NMH2, Active Life Explorer), and 3 reprints (Okami, RE4, REUC).  None will be big sellers though, Metroid's the only with a chance to break 200k imo (or even 100k, lol).  PS3 has 31 new games for the same period, but over half are western titles (like Madden, RDR, Singularity, etc), one's an online upgrade pack (for Nobunga no Yabou) and the only potential 200k plus seller in the mix is probably ACE R.  PS3 should fill out more too though, I'd expect GT5 in October.  360 has 23 new games in the same period, again about half being western and one online upgrade pack (for Monster Hunter Frontier).  No potential 200k sellers there though.

I was basing myself off dengeki for the releases, perhaps they are missing some, but clearly the Wii line-up is depressing, 6 games in 3 months with none being relevant... (When is Deca Sports 3 coming out?)

PS3 has some potentially big selleres (more than 200k) until the end of October, like ACE:R, PS Move and Macross Trial Frontier (bundled with the movie).
Dead Rising 2, RE5 Gold Edition, Front Mission Evolved, Mindjack, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and some of the Move games should all sell in the 100k-200k range.
There's some games that are wildcards like Neptune, Trinity Zill O'll, Class of Heroes 3, Quantum Theory, Red Dead Redemption, EyePet, Vanquish and Agarest Senki 2. They could reach 100k sold.

For the Wii I only have Metroid: Other M selling an upwards of 200k, the rest is too small, NMH2 has the distant chance of selling well, but I won't bet on that happening. As for Kirby, Fall ends in December, so it could easily be a Nov/Dec title.

PS Move isn't a game and no Macross game has sold over 200k since the mid 1990s on SFC/PS1/Saturn.  If Trial Frontier does it, it's more likely because it's really a BD film packed with the game as a bonus. As is, I'm guessing more like 150k.  Even the hyped up Sega AM2 developed Macross failed to pass 100k on PS2 btw.

I think Naruto may pass 100k combined, but it's predecessor (which was PS3 exclusive) only did 84k.  I think Zill O'll might pass 100k too (it did on PS1 iirc, didn't on PSP), (big) maybes for Vanquish, DR2 and RDR (might appeal to the GTA/COD crowd), but none of the others have any chance at it.  RE5 Gold came out six months ago and already sold ~250k, it's not doing 100k more.

It's worth pointing out that the original Deca Sports sold over 200k, and Family Trainer did over 100k.  Their sequels bombed though, so I'm guessing the threequels will too.

RE5 Gold Edition will be bundled with the Move and the PSEye, so I guess sales will be good.

PSMove isn't a game, but it will influence Japanese sales, as long as it's not a tragic bomb, the starter pack though will probably sell more than 200k, again if Move isn't a failure.

I thnik both Front Mission and Mindjack can reach respectable sales (100k or more) Mainly because they are SE games and most recently western games published by SE have been having good performances, I think the PS3 has a big enough western games hungry userbase for it to happen, same with RDR.

I wouldn't dismiss EyePet that fast, as it's another way to purchase the PSEye users have and it will probably work like Wii Play or WSR, of course with much lower sales, but 100k will prbably be an easy goal for it.

About the rest you are probably right, they will fall short of 100k. As for Deca Sports 3 and Family Trainer, like you said, the sequels have sold way less than the originals, and this time they will sell probably even worse.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

pokemon black to overtake mhp3 induvidually? Am I wishing too much????

morenoingrato said:

pokemon black to overtake mhp3 induvidually? Am I wishing too much????

Nope I wish for this too!

Pokemon FTW


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
morenoingrato said:

pokemon black to overtake mhp3 induvidually? Am I wishing too much????

Nope I wish for this too!

Pokemon FTW


Well, looking at these chartz I see MH3P was at about 90 points in 5 days...... soooooo

trestres said:
jarrod said:
trestres said:
jarrod said:
trestres said:

I don't think we will be seeing any Wii game there for a long time now. It's getting only 5 new games in the next three months, and none of them is relevant besides Metroid: Other M, which isn't that big in Japan either.

PS3 on the other hand is getting 33 new releases (5 are re-releases though), so we shall be seeing an infulx of PS3 games in the near future.

360 has nothing relevant besides Reach.

Kirby's "fall" in Japan, so it should release before October... and honestly, Kirby will probably outsell every PS3 game on the list.  Nintendo's lineup should become clearer after their fall conference, likely just after TGS.  Remember, games like Wii Party and DQMBRV were only announced less than 3 months before they hit shelves.

Also, Wii has six new games scheduled so far (Tetris Party Premium, Twinkle Queen, Metroid OM, Deca Sports 3, NMH2, Active Life Explorer), and 3 reprints (Okami, RE4, REUC).  None will be big sellers though, Metroid's the only with a chance to break 200k imo (or even 100k, lol).  PS3 has 31 new games for the same period, but over half are western titles (like Madden, RDR, Singularity, etc), one's an online upgrade pack (for Nobunga no Yabou) and the only potential 200k plus seller in the mix is probably ACE R.  PS3 should fill out more too though, I'd expect GT5 in October.  360 has 23 new games in the same period, again about half being western and one online upgrade pack (for Monster Hunter Frontier).  No potential 200k sellers there though.

I was basing myself off dengeki for the releases, perhaps they are missing some, but clearly the Wii line-up is depressing, 6 games in 3 months with none being relevant... (When is Deca Sports 3 coming out?)

PS3 has some potentially big selleres (more than 200k) until the end of October, like ACE:R, PS Move and Macross Trial Frontier (bundled with the movie).
Dead Rising 2, RE5 Gold Edition, Front Mission Evolved, Mindjack, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and some of the Move games should all sell in the 100k-200k range.
There's some games that are wildcards like Neptune, Trinity Zill O'll, Class of Heroes 3, Quantum Theory, Red Dead Redemption, EyePet, Vanquish and Agarest Senki 2. They could reach 100k sold.

For the Wii I only have Metroid: Other M selling an upwards of 200k, the rest is too small, NMH2 has the distant chance of selling well, but I won't bet on that happening. As for Kirby, Fall ends in December, so it could easily be a Nov/Dec title.

PS Move isn't a game and no Macross game has sold over 200k since the mid 1990s on SFC/PS1/Saturn.  If Trial Frontier does it, it's more likely because it's really a BD film packed with the game as a bonus. As is, I'm guessing more like 150k.  Even the hyped up Sega AM2 developed Macross failed to pass 100k on PS2 btw.

I think Naruto may pass 100k combined, but it's predecessor (which was PS3 exclusive) only did 84k.  I think Zill O'll might pass 100k too (it did on PS1 iirc, didn't on PSP), (big) maybes for Vanquish, DR2 and RDR (might appeal to the GTA/COD crowd), but none of the others have any chance at it.  RE5 Gold came out six months ago and already sold ~250k, it's not doing 100k more.

It's worth pointing out that the original Deca Sports sold over 200k, and Family Trainer did over 100k.  Their sequels bombed though, so I'm guessing the threequels will too.

RE5 Gold Edition will be bundled with the Move and the PSEye, so I guess sales will be good.

PSMove isn't a game, but it will influence Japanese sales, as long as it's not a tragic bomb, the starter pack though will probably sell more than 200k, again if Move isn't a failure.

I thnik both Front Mission and Mindjack can reach respectable sales (100k or more) Mainly because they are SE games and most recently western games published by SE have been having good performances, I think the PS3 has a big enough western games hungry userbase for it to happen, same with RDR.

I wouldn't dismiss EyePet that fast, as it's another way to purchase the PSEye users have and it will probably work like Wii Play or WSR, of course with much lower sales, but 100k will prbably be an easy goal for it.

About the rest you are probably right, they will fall short of 100k. As for Deca Sports 3 and Family Trainer, like you said, the sequels have sold way less than the originals, and this time they will sell probably even worse.

really? how many times can Capcom release RE5 on the same console?

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.