psrock said:
Maynard_Tool said:
psrock said:
Maynard_Tool said:
psrock said:
Maynard_Tool said: Yes... but only before the Ps3 Q2 line up is announced, then the ps3 Q2 line up will be the biggest in history... hey, that's the history of every year x)
I'm only getting God of War III |
It's a great time to own a PS3
The great games just keeps on coming.
I know, can you believe that Ps3 Q1 is gonna surpass Ps3 Q4 2009 and become the best line up ever?? :O Didn't see that one coming x)
I believe that's what most companies strive for, it's funny the third place console is the one doing it.
Doing it..... for you maybe. Like I said... is not the best line up announced for me, i'm only getting 1 of those games. How is that the best line up ever???
I know it's to read when you see something nice being said about the PS3, but seriously, the thread title says best PS3 lineup ever. It never compared it to other consoles. Jeez.
I know is only ps3, i know is not comparing to another But apparently every Quarter for the ps3, is the biggest line up for it.... every year is also the best year for it. So I'm not surprised Q1 is the best ps3 line up so far... because at the time Q2 arrives, this will be the best one... and so on, and so on.