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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Predictions For 2010

I made this thread last year, and it was reasonably popular. Nobody's made one for this year, so it's a little late, but I'll make it.

I'll start off with a few, and add more later on. Everybody feel free to predict and evaluate my predictions, or the predictions of other posters.

Predictions can be related to sales, gaming, VGC, anything like that.

So, I'll start off with hardware predictions.

1) Wii: 84 million

2) X360: 48 million

3) PS3: 43.5 million

4) PSP: 63 million

5) DS: 155 million

6) PS3 will outsell 360 for the year

7) God of War III will launch to over 800k sales.

8) Heavy Rain will sell under 200k first week (I want to be wrong here)

9) Halo Reach will top 3 million first week

10) NATAL will perform better than PSMotion/GEM/Whatever it's called

11) Resistance 3 will launch in 2010's holiday season

12) FF Versus XIII will not launch in the west in 2010

13) GT5 will sell around 2.5 million first week

14) GT5 will be the highest-selling PS3 game of the year

15) Halo Reach will be the highest-selling X360 game of the year

16) Not counting Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort will be the highest-selling Wii game of the year

17) There will be another large update (like VGC 2.0) in the first half of 2010.

18) No PSP games will sell over 3 million units for the year.

19) FF13 on PS3 will have outsold the 360 version 2:1 by year's end.

20) The Last Guardian will be the best reviewed game in the series, going by Metacritic (91 to beat)

I'll add more later.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Around the Network

On number 18 I think it's possible Birth by sleep sell's 3 million. Pretty good list of predictions though.

"16) Not counting Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort will be the highest-selling Wii game of the year"

Not too sure about this one

Your Wii prediction could be a touch orr, I predicted 82 Million but it could do 84 Million if there's a miracle, and your DS prediction seems a bit high, I predicted about 140 MIllion but seeing as it's still selling well it could end up in the 145- 150 Million range.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Harware predictions already sigged. About sofware, let us see...

I think God of War III will be the best-selling game in the series by quite a margin. It will do over 5m when all it's said and done.
Final Fantasy XIII will fail. Less than 4m in the West.
Gran Turismo 5 will sell over 10m, and Halo: Reach will sell around 8m.
Metroid: Other M will be a failure.
Heavy Rain and Alan Wake will be both failures. The titles will have legs but hardly will go above 1m.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 will sell about the same as it's predecessor.
Zelda Wii will fail. Around 600k on Japan plus 3m in the West.

We'll see Mario Kart Wii Plus being announced at E3 2010. It will sell gangbusters.
Another titles will be announced at E3, including GTA 5 and Killzone 3.
Sony will announce PSP-2 to release in Japan this holiday and next year in the west. Nintendo will unveil the DS-2. Spring 2011 in Japan and Fall 2011 release anywhere else.
Natal will be X360's sucessor. It will feature a similar hardware, about the same as GC->Wii transition.






Around the Network
haxxiy said:
Harware predictions already sigged. About sofware, let us see...

I think God of War III will be the best-selling game in the series by quite a margin. It will do over 5m when all it's said and done.
Final Fantasy XIII will fail. Less than 4m in the West.
Gran Turismo 5 will sell over 10m, and Halo: Reach will sell around 8m.
Metroid: Other M will be a failure.
Heavy Rain and Alan Wake will be both failures. The titles will have legs but hardly will go above 1m.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 will sell about the same as it's predecessor.
Zelda Wii will fail. Around 600k on Japan plus 3m in the West.

We'll see Mario Kart Wii Plus being announced at E3 2010. It will sell gangbusters.
Another titles will be announced at E3, including GTA 5 and Killzone 3.
Sony will announce PSP-2 to release in Japan this holiday and next year in the west. Nintendo will unveil the DS-2. Spring 2011 in Japan and Fall 2011 release anywhere else.
Natal will be X360's sucessor. It will feature a similar hardware, about the same as GC->Wii transition.

Would you care to make a wager?

Nintendogamer said:
Your Wii prediction could be a touch orr, I predicted 82 Million but it could do 84 Million if there's a miracle, and your DS prediction seems a bit high, I predicted about 140 MIllion but seeing as it's still selling well it could end up in the 145- 150 Million range.

If the wii did 82 million by next year. That means it'll have the worst year ever. That wasn't 2007. That mean it'll do.
17 million. I'm guesing a 21 million this year. 1st half looks to be good. Its the 2nd half I'm worried about.
I predict a 14 million year for the PS3 and 11 million for 360. Also no wii sports resort will not outsell NSMBW.
NSMBW already is about a million behind it. And wii sports resort was released in June

Edit: Actually wii sports is ahead by 3 million not a million my mistake

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Khuutra said:
"16) Not counting Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort will be the highest-selling Wii game of the year"

Not too sure about this one

I was thinking that or NSMBWii, but WSR is probably more likely to keep selling.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Mass Effect will be GOTY

haxxiy said:
Harware predictions already sigged. About sofware, let us see...

I think God of War III will be the best-selling game in the series by quite a margin. It will do over 5m when all it's said and done.

I would say that's too high.
Final Fantasy XIII will fail. Less than 4m in the West.

That's a fail? What's a SUCCESS? But I say it will sell more than that.
Gran Turismo 5 will sell over 10m, and Halo: Reach will sell around 8m.

I would say Reach will sell ~10 million too.
Metroid: Other M will be a failure.

That's a bit vague.
Heavy Rain and Alan Wake will be both failures. The titles will have legs but hardly will go above 1m.

You are throwing around "failure" a bit much here. I don't think HR will cross a million, but Alan Wake should just about top it.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 will sell about the same as it's predecessor.

Should do.
Zelda Wii will fail. Around 600k on Japan plus 3m in the West.

I doubt that very much.

We'll see Mario Kart Wii Plus being announced at E3 2010. It will sell gangbusters.

That would be funny.
Another titles will be announced at E3, including GTA 5 and Killzone 3.

Killzone 3, yes. GTA5...maybe.
Sony will announce PSP-2 to release in Japan this holiday and next year in the west. Nintendo will unveil the DS-2. Spring 2011 in Japan and Fall 2011 release anywhere else.

Nah, PSP2 won't release for a while yet. And the new Ninty handheld won't be out for a LONG time. Look how successful the DS is, and look at Ninty's handheld history. Three in 20 years.
Natal will be X360's sucessor. It will feature a similar hardware, about the same as GC->Wii transition.

I don't think so. It will be bundled, certainly, but still the same console.


Those are my thoughts.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective